
Here’s some food for thought upon your return next week when you are refreshed, OR getting over an immense hangover 😉

Social has been called “networking on steroids,” but it only works if you do the “work” of “networking.” and community building. That requires a strategy and a time investment. Make deepening your LinkedIn relationships an activity you work on every day (or at least on a regular basis). Block the time out in your calendar and just do it.

The same goes for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram—who cares how many followers or friends you’ve accumulated—how many real conversations have you instigated? How many people check your posts in some way every day? Whatever platforms you’re using, figure out the tools for expanding your network and put them to use. Make comments, ask questions, find common ground and invite further conversation. Connect with people on multiple platforms—put them in lists—listen to their conversations and add value where appropriate. Do the networking work, then take it a step further and build community.

A network is just a series of nodes, but a “community” supports each other… creating value, strength and long lasting relationships.

Add some Return on Relationship to your networking and contact building. #RonR


Make it a great 4th of July Holiday Weekend everyone 🙂

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