The most important lesson I learned about failure is that without it, you do not truly understand success. When success comes too easily or too early in the process, we come to believe it is the natural state of things, and when failure comes at a later date in some form or another we are most often utterly unprepared.
My failures have opened my eyes to introspection and learning that has made me a better father, brother, friend, mentor… a better person.
This is not to say you should seek out failure, more about how important it is to stretch yourself and not be afraid of making mistakes. We need to empower our employees, associates, friends and children to understand that failure is incredibly valuable when you make learning part of the process.
“It’s failure that gives you the proper perspective on success.” ~Ellen DeGeneres
Hi Ted,
Awesome write and I can’t agree ore with it. I did my fair share of mistakes but each time I make one, I tend to learn from it more.
The best part is that I understand why I did that and how I can NOT do that in the future.
For those who are wondering how to avoid mistakes, well — mistakes happen and all we got to do is to really dig into the problem and take time to understand how that actually happened.
Thanks for sharing and have an awesome week Ted!
Appreciate your feedback and input Reginald.
I totally agree Ted. Failure shouldn’t be something we fear, but something we embrace. At a young age we’re taught to avoid being wrong, but you don’t learn and/or grow if you’re always right. If you never fail, you’re not pushing yourself far enough.