From an early age, my Dad instilled in me the value of being a giver. He led by example, always extending a helping hand to our neighbors, fixing things, and offering assistance in any way possible. His acts of kindness were not driven by any expectation of reciprocation; he sought only friendship, a smile, or the satisfaction of knowing he had made a difference.

A “Giver’s Gain” Philosophy…

In following his footsteps, I, too, have become the person who stops to clean up a turned-over garbage can in the street and put it back in its place, clean up garbage I find in the street (John Andrews and I do this all the time when we do our city walks while traveling) regardless of where it happens. I believe in the principle of ‘Liking’ others first, without waiting for them to ‘Like’ me in return. This approach, rooted in enlightened self-interest, has simple yet powerful benefits. When you do good for others, they are more likely to do good for you in return.

A Brand is what a business/person does, a Reputation is what people Remember and Share. 

My Dad taught me the value of friendship, at all levels, and how important it is to be a friend first without expectation. This was the way he behaved in the business world, and with our family, friends, and people in our neighborhood, or anywhere else. It was my first experiences with what I now refer to as RETURN ON RELATIONSHIP…

ROR: Return on Relationship™, #RonR… simply put the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple $’s and cents. ROR is the value (both perceived and real) that will accrue over time through connection, trust, loyalty, recommendations, sharing and Being Good To People.

Do for others without expectation of anything directly in return. #BeGoodToPeople #JustBeNice… #NoLetUp! 🙌🏻 

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Ted Rubin… Straight Talk
A “Giver’s Gain” Philosophy
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