AI Generated “Influencers” ARE NOT Influencers… they are AI generated ADVERTISEMENTS… plain and simple. And need to be held to the same truth in advertising standards.

I have been told by too many that AI-generated influencers “blur the lines between advertising and genuine social media presence.” As perceived by the public, for the most part it’s not blurry, it’s downright deceptive. Call it blurring the lines is marketing speak for deception. They know very well what it is and what they are creating it for… especially those championing the tech.

Let’s be clear…

  • Transparency: AI-generated influencers should be transparent about their nature. Followers should be informed that the content is created by an AI and not a human, ensuring that there is no deception. *Although we all know this will be hidden and soon forgotten.
  • Regulations: Just like traditional advertisements, AI-generated content should adhere to truth-in-advertising standards. Misleading claims, false information, or undisclosed sponsorships should be regulated.
  • Ethical Considerations: There should be ethical guidelines around the use of AI-generated influencers to avoid manipulation and exploitation of audiences, particularly vulnerable groups such as children and teenagers.
  • Accountability: Brands and developers behind AI influencers should be held accountable for the content and its impact. This includes being responsible for any misinformation or harmful effects resulting from their AI-generated content.
  • Consumer Protection: Regulatory bodies should develop frameworks to protect consumers from potential exploitation by AI influencers. This includes monitoring and enforcement of advertising standards. *This sadly will be a long time coming.


AI Generated “Influencers” ARE NOT Influencers… they are AI generated ADVERTISEMENTS… plain and simple.



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