I so appreciate all the support I have been receiving here, via phone, text, email, and Facebook. This is all so unfortunate for the girls, especially this publicity. Not at all what I wanted 🙁
This has been going on for 3 years now… and the 5 years before that were no picnic. I accepted every settlement offer the Judge put on the table the past 2 years in hopes of keeping Lauren out of jail and sparing the girls that knowledge and hardship. She refused each and every offer including one made by the Judge last Friday in an effort to end all this and keep her from serving the time.
On the advice of my attorneys, I am not at liberty to discuss the details of the litigation at this juncture, as the case is presently on appeal. After the proceedings are finalized, I might be in a better position to speak more fully about this emotional ordeal. My paramount concern has always been what is best for my children, and I was hoping that by the Court’s use of pseudonyms, our names would not be publicly disclosed for the protection of my daughters.
The quote I have come to live my life by is as follows… “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass… it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Sincerely, Ted