Back in 1997, I had the pleasure and good fortune of getting hired by Seth Godin at Yoyodyne, where the internet was being labeled as “new media.” However, the truth was that there was nothing truly new about it. It was essentially traditional media wrapped in a fresh package—absolutely nothing groundbreaking other than being able to pull it up on a screen. Fast forward to today, and we are now immersed in the era of what we can genuinely call “new media.” The concept of media has transformed from being tied to a specific place, like a website, to becoming an aggregated entity. People have the freedom to choose their media consumption, breaking free from the constraints of fixed schedules and formats. Sadly at times, as now people really need to LEARN TO DISCERN. Publishers are now seen as individuals rather than all-knowing sources, and the sustainability of print media is seriously in question… although there is some print making a comeback, I see it more as a novelty or throwback, and as a collectors item, than truly something sustainable. With the rise of user-generated content in so many forms, snackable and long-form, and the ability to share and consume information anytime, anywhere, adding AI contnent creation capabilities on top, each of us has the potential to become the central figure of our own media outlet.

The crux lies in harnessing the potency of social influence and dependability, differentiating fact from opinions, fiction and story-telling, in a captivating manner that intertwines genuine storytelling, fact based reporting, with brand and product engagement. This marks an evolution from the media and eCommerce landscape of the past few years, as consumers are now inclined towards seeking information on their own terms, rather than following a predictable journey. The mobile platform and its recent AI powered abilities, is fueling this shift, leaving numerous retailers, brands, and publishers feeling bewildered about how to seize this opportunity.

It’s high time for publishers to acknowledge that survival in the long run necessitates embracing the power of the masses. Building strong relationships with their audience, empowering both their audience and employees to develop their own brands, and then leveraging this to expand content creation and reach consumers on their own terms.

Welcome to the Age of Influence, where anyone has the ability to cultivate an audience, champion brands, foster connections, drive change, and make a genuine impact. #RetailRelevancy

#FollowThePath #RonR… #NoLetUp!

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