Resolutions are a desire for new habits. And a habit needs to be established before it can be improved. So make it easy and start small, then improvement will come naturally as the habit is instilled. Instead of saying “I am going to read from a book for an hour a day this year” go with “I am going to read from a book every day.” This will make achievement and the development of the habit more likely, and help to make you feel accomplished every day, which in turn helps instill the habit.

A habit needs to be established before it can be improved. Think about this as we approach the New Year and you start considering what you want to accomplish, or the goals you are going to set, for next year. I certainly am as I ponder my fitness, learning, relationship, and business goals.

My word for 2021 is HAPPINESS… trying to make it a habit even during, “especially during,” these challenging times.


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