Independence Day brings to the forefront all the challenges we have been facing since the beginning of 2020. It’s been a long haul through this pandemic, and we are not done yet, and a contested election along with its aftermath (🤦🏻‍♂️), but thanks to amazing work, leadership, and ingenuity, we are finding our way.

Many of us go through our lives, day to day, thinking that our only recourse is to put our heads down, one foot in front of the other, and persevere… simply accept (or ignore) what is happening and make the best of it. It is easy to fall into this rut and believe it is the proper course, the only way to go, and all we have to hope for in the future.

I say NOAction is the active ingredient that transforms goals into reality! Let us never forget that in this great country, The United States of America, we can still (let’s be sure to fight for and keep this right) always improve the situation in which we live, make a better life for ourselves and the ones we love, and effect/fight for change even when the odds are against such change. Being courageous enough to act on your goals/desires/needs to make a better life, better business, better community and/or better country and world, is the first and most crucial step in making your goals a reality. And now more than ever before everyone can have a voice… Welcome to the ‘Age of Influence,’ where anyone can build an audience and effect change, advocate for causes, rally like-minded people, build relationships, and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

I experience this reality each and every day… . I am 63 years old (holy shit, 63 😲) have had wins and losses in my personal life, and in business, have been living with trepidation through a pandemic the past year, new business challenges, dramatic climate change, a rise of hate in this country and around the world (fearful for my girl’s futures… so proud of my Niki’s efforts knowing she is a fighter)… and know that the game is far from over. There is huge opportunity presenting itself today (along with the challenges) with this new social media, and connectivity empowered world… I have been fortunate enough to benefit from this, make it work for me, enable that desperately needed win, and create something to personally hold onto, and work for, going forward. YOU CAN DO THE SAME.

Create a mindset that keeps you determined to not let it pass you by, and allows you to take advantage of the daily opportunity to be more, see more, be involved in more, create more, help and support more, and connect with anyone and everyone. This is about what makes you happy, and allows you to find a “comfort” zone… whether it means trying new things, or simply remaining in a happy place.

I have faced serious challenges in my personal life that many would walk away from, as I have been told over and over by those who would, and many who have seen those who do; but I am determined to have a positive effect on the lives of my daughters, and participate any way I can (even if only vicariously from afar… and/or doing my part making the world a better place) and continue to face those challenges head-on each and every day, even if/when they get worse, instead of better. Although this can be exhausting mentally and physically at times, I do not bow in the face of the onslaught and odds that have been against me from the start. I work every day adjusting my attitude and especially my expectations, always do whatever I can to stay present (like answering my daughter Niki’s texts at 1am last night about a security code, even though she will refuses to engage with me in any personal way), never lose my cool, am ALWAYS there and available, and let them know every day (with my words and actions) that I will always love them and will never give up… NO MATTER WHAT #ThisDadWontQuit!

Many know my consistent #ThisDadWontQuit mantra, which for the past year or so I have been working hard to evolve into #TheDadWhoWillAlwaysLove… more about that later.

Therefore in the face of all these political, social, and personal challenges we all face… I once again wholeheartedly declare MY PERSONAL “Independence” and you need to do the same! #NoLetUp! 

#RonR #FollowThePath

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