Welcome to “a conversation,” a production of bowden2bowden llc with the intent to engage todays top thought leaders in the world of business, including marketing, branding, social media, public relations, advertising and writing in today’s digital space. A discussion of current topics, new technology, new tactics, new ideas and new books. The show, “a conversation” is a one-on-one/two conducted on the live Google+ Hangouts On Air and YouTube platforms on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm EST. Hosted by Randy Bowden.

Great stuff Randy… really good content. First class interview, many thanks to you and Ted… tom

David Schwartz
Jul 23, 2013
Thanks +Randy Bowden +Ted Rubin his was insightful and enjoyable. Thank you guys.

Randy Bowden
Jul 23, 2013
Thanks +David Schwartz

Ted Rubin
Jul 23, 2013
Thanks so much for having me on the show +Randy Bowden and for the complement +David Schwartz 🙂