Ted Rubin  Wednesday (Yesterday) 12/28 11:23am
Will Pinterest Replace Facebook?… https://bit.ly/vwFkoI (via John Andrews andCollective Bias)


Last week I was in a meeting with Elmer’s, and one of our Collective Bias clients and we started talking about the Pinterest page we help them manage. Our discussion centered on how using technology personally helps develop a better understanding of the business value of new platforms. Want to under…
    • Sally Baker Williams Very interesting. A group of us (NW Arkansas friends) have been busy discussing on FB a meetup for working on Pinterest projects. We have also been discussing coworking spaces, bloggers & tweeting the event. I truly think the best things happen when people integrate these various mediums for connecting and creativity.

      Yesterday at 11:27am ·  ·  4
    • Nancy Tarr Connecting and Creativity – that’s what it’s all about!!

      Yesterday at 11:37am ·  ·  2
    • Linda Rihani mmm interesting!

      Yesterday at 11:40am
    • JonnaBeth Richardson Very Pinteresting 😉 I am highly addicted to Pinterest, however I don’t think it will replace my love for Facebook. Now if they could marry the two, it could quite possibly be the most fantastic site ever!

      Yesterday at 12:06pm ·  ·  4
    • Morgan Quinn Benzian Pinterest is a huge traffic source for me. I wrote a post about how to promote your blog through Pinterest about six months ago. It’s rapidly becoming a powerful networking tool– not only to promote your own work, but also to build your “brand” and engage your audience.

      Yesterday at 12:21pm ·  ·  1
    • Morgan Quinn Benzian That being said, I don’t think Facebook has anything to worry about. I can’t imagine anything replacing it in the near future. 🙂

      Yesterday at 12:22pm ·  ·  1
    • Kathryn Rose Morgan, i would love to see your blog post on Pinterest, can you post a link here? thanks

      Yesterday at 12:29pm
    • Morgan Quinn Benzian ‎@Kathryn Rose Here you go! https://thelittlehenhouse.com/2011/08/16/how-to-use-pinterest-to-promote-your-blog/

      Yesterday at 12:33pm ·  ·  1
    • Charlie Oliver Great post Ted! I’ll admit that I had never really heard of Pinterest. Having gone to the site after reading your post, I immediately loved the layout far more than Facebook’s layout (which has become self-serving at the expense of user experience). Taking this for a test drive. Thanks for your insights – always enlightening. And happy holidays!!! : )

      Yesterday at 12:45pm
    • Lori Kathryn Holton-Nash Oh my gosh I have been under a rock. I have no idea what you are talking about Ted. Clearly I must read on. SMILE!

      Yesterday at 12:46pm
    • Susan Newman Ted, Can you send me an invite? Is it like on Google+? Looks like I have to wait to explore?

      Yesterday at 1:27pm
    • April Atwater No…it’s apples and oranges

      Yesterday at 1:33pm ·  ·  1
    • Susan Newman April, was that comment for me? I meant, how do you get invited? Must just request (which I did) and wait?

      Yesterday at 1:45pm
    • Kimberly Lloyd no .. right now it is still a place for martha stewart wannabes… too home related not well-categorized … the need more anchor people with cool accounts…

      Yesterday at 2:04pm
    • Denise Barlow I love it, get ideas from it for different thoughts I have. Noticed it doesn’t always work well when I use iPad. Scrolling issue.

      Yesterday at 3:12pm
    • Shealynn Benner Not if they can’t get their App straightened out.

      Yesterday at 3:52pm
    • Charlie Oliver ‎@Shealynn Facebook had to get their app straightened out on a number of occasions (and back in the beginning days of Twitter, they almost failed because they had so many issues scaling properly). That’s what BETA is for… figuring out the tech kinks.

      Yesterday at 4:19pm
    • Phyllis Hong Cheung Great article on Pinterest! Pinterest drove nearly 750,000 page views to LuxeFinds last month – fwiw – i started in May and now have nearly 250 thousand followers and get repinned 50-75k times a week.

      Yesterday at 4:31pm
    • Ted Rubin Phyllis… that is incredible. Certainly an eye-opener/ wake-up call for many who have the ability to post things of interest like you.

      Yesterday at 4:34pm ·  ·  1
    • Phyllis Hong Cheung I still love Facebook – it’s where I stay in touch with old friends – I’m hardly on twitter anymore – finding way too much self promotion on there and the click thrus for any links I post are way low. But with Pinterest, the audience really interacts with you and you can truly show your branding/personality with the boards you create.

      Yesterday at 4:42pm ·  ·  1
    • Megan Rosker I agree with Phyllis…but I also wonder how many men use pinterest. Any numbers on that?

      Yesterday at 5:24pm
    • Ted Rubin My offhand guess Meg, is that the numbers are probably limited right now. But we all know that social revolves around women anyway 🙂

      Yesterday at 6:03pm ·  ·  3
    • John Andrews Thanks for all the comments everyone. Morgan, great post as well, I shared it out. I’m fascinated with the self expression aspects of social. I think in every person, there is some sort of creativity trying to get out. Tools like Pinterest make it easy.

      Yesterday at 7:08pm ·  ·  2
    • John Andrews Phyllis, your platform is a perfect example of how aggregated content and connect people to things they are passionate about. Thanks for weighing in.

      Yesterday at 7:11pm ·  ·  2
    • Meryl Kaplan Evans Just joined pinterest … not even close.

      Yesterday at 7:13pm
    • Esther Gultz Feldbaum While I have temporarily abandoned FB for Pinterest, I agree. Apples and oranges.

      Yesterday at 7:21pm
    • Ted Rubin Keep the input coming. Love hearing everyone’s take! New tools, new ways to share, new ways to build relationships!

      Yesterday at 7:24pm
    • Meryl Kaplan Evans This discussion could not have happened if it started in pinterest.

      Yesterday at 7:26pm
    • Ted Rubin Agreed Meryl… they serve different purposes. Some are leaving FB only because there is only time for each of us to participate in so many things, limited time and all that, so people will gravitate to those that serve their purposes best. Creativity, use of images, and visual storytelling are so well served via Pinterest that many who truly value that ability may leave one for the other.

      Yesterday at 7:30pm
    • Nancy Tarr ‎@Merrly so true. Blending social media sites really pushes everyone together.

      Yesterday at 7:30pm
    • Ted Rubin For me… Twitter is my platform of choice and where I spend the bulk of my social interacting and publishing time. But I do value other platforms including FB, YouTube, Foursquare and now my eyes are being opened to Pinterest. Time will tell how I value and make use of each.

      Yesterday at 7:32pm
    • Ted Rubin Good related article: https://mashable.com/2011/12/26/pinterest-beginners-guide/


      Have no fear, soon-to-be-Pintrest fan — we’ll show you the ropes.
      Yesterday at 7:45pm
    • Nancy Tarr If anyone has an extra invite to Pinterest…please pass along. Thank you.

      Yesterday at 8:05pm
    • Ted Rubin Happy to Nancy… need your email address 🙂

      Yesterday at 8:14pm
    • Nancy Tarr just sent it. Thank you.

      Yesterday at 8:31pm
    • Ted Rubin I am going to post this whole stream to my blog in the next few days, so if anyone else wants to chime in… now’s the time 🙂

      Yesterday at 8:43pm
    • Liz Henry A girl can only hope.

      22 hours ago
    • Alex Galkin Pinterest vs FB? Waat? They will never be in the same conversation (and I don’t want to hear page view count, that’s just so 5 years ago); FB is a Universe, pinterest — a pretty Sputnik circling around a planet populated with “females ages 18–30”. Seriously? Pinterest? What next? Wanelo? Give it up, people. Facebook is “it”. And a tetris of pretty pictures will eventually get old. Rather fast actually.

      21 hours ago
    • Phyllis Hong Cheung ‎@Alex – I don’t believe that Pinterest is for everybody – it works for some businesses and not others. For my company, it is a luxury lifestyle search engine for women…so Pinterest works extremely well for me. The traffic that they bring to my site stays on for easily 300+ pageviews per session and their bounce rate is around 25%. It’s a no brainer – fb traffic to my site is pitiful and bounce rate is 80%.

      18 hours ago
    • Alix B. Landman how do I get invited to Pinterest?

      8 hours ago
    • Alix B. Landman Went to pinterest.com…did not come up.

      8 hours ago
    • Phyllis Hong Cheung what is your email alix? I’ll send you an invite

      8 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Stephanie Miller Thanks to all for a great series of comments! This is definately a growing phenom for certain brands were a visual and personal touch is relevant. Not betting on it taking over from FB, but may end up in the FB family if they don’t watch it! Thanks, Ted.

      5 hours ago
    • Ted Rubin Thanks so much Phyllis! Alix… https://pinterest.com/


      Pinterest is an online pinboard.

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Ted Rubin, Professional Keynote Speaker, #RonR
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