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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
Building Relationships During a Time of Crisis… Shane Barker and Ted Rubin
COVID-19 has resulted in numerous lifestyle changes for everyone. Subsequently, your target audience’s needs have also changed. Most of your potential customers are not thinking about what car to buy, what clothes to wear, or which tech products to get. As a result,...
Frictionless Retail: Turning Consumers into Buyers
Turning consumers into buyers requires so much more than just an everyday low price. Customers have more options than ever before, which means that a good price on the item that they need won't necessarily be hard to find. The difference between brands often comes in...
Consumers are Loyal to Experience, not Brands
It’s not just the brand, product or price, IT'S The EXPERIENCE.... especially now when Health at Safety are the top of everyone's list! Think about your favorite song or artist and consider why it’s your favorite. Do you remember when you first heard it? Does it...
Create Branded ZOOM Meeting Backgrounds with Photofy + 6 Months FREE
With many businesses transitioning to remote work, video conferencing software has become the easiest way to keep in contact with your team, and community. It’s helpful to be able to collaborate “face to face,” especially when you can’t actually be there in person....
In Times of Crisis: Attitude, Perspective… Mindset
The events of the last month have left us all in a state of confusion, fear and uncertainty. As many areas are in the process of shutting down industries in an effort to curtail the spread of COVID-19 our nation is withdrawing. The once surging economy is now...
Better Products, Better Marketing… Better Listen
Thanks to the continual evolution of social media, we have a growing set of useful tools for gathering feedback about our brand and products. Online branded communities, for example, have become increasingly valuable meeting spaces where community members and brand...