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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
I Was Asked Last Night…
"How do I make a difference tomorrow, or right now, and going forward. I’m just a small cog... AND, what CAN I do regardless... for me and my company?" Welcome to the ‘Age of Influence,’ where anyone can build an audience and effect change, advocate brands, build...
LinkedIn Response, When Someone Tells You What You Should and Should Not Post…
First of all... curious who made you the arbiter of what does and does not belong on LinkedIn? Second... LinkedIn is a "social" network, and a place for conversation that the person posting wishes to foster. I am the person, and this is the conversation I wish to...
Rosh Hashana… L’Shana Tova Tikatevu
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה), literally meaning the "beginning (also head) [of] the year" is the Jewish New Year. It marks the beginning of the year, according to the teachings of Judaism, clearly a time for reflection and hope. I'm thankful that I, and my...
Tips For Generating Better Customer Experience
Success in marketing goes hand in hand with good customer experience. Need to up your customer experience game? Ted Rubin breaks down how. ~via RockstarCMO It's not always easy to boil a big, complex topic like marketing down to its most basic, important elements, but...
The Most Overlooked and Critical Component of Customer Experience
In quantum mechanics there is a rule: when particles are observed, they behave differently. We found out in the late ’90s, via various experiments, that electrons act as either particles or waves, depending on whether they were observed. What does that have to do with...
Business Cards Present a Great Opportunity for Connection
Business cards present a great opportunity for connection. Pity so many foolishly think they are outdated.... but as always with something overlooked, a great opportunity for those who understand the value. Always look for opportunities to set yourself apart....