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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
AI Generated “Influencers” ARE NOT Influencers
AI Generated “Influencers” ARE NOT Influencers… they are AI generated ADVERTISEMENTS… plain and simple. And need to be held to the same truth in advertising standards. I have been told by too many that AI-generated influencers "blur the lines between advertising and...
AI for Retail Advertising… a Nuanced Understanding of Human Emotion
Excerpt from... Despite Fears, AI Continues Integrating Into Industries ~via Forbes and Lisa Chau RETAIL: “For the past three years, Reticle AI (A Division of Hotspex Media) Co-Founder and President Josh Rosen has been active in the development, sales, and scale of an...
Embracing This Era of New Media
Back in 1997, I had the pleasure and good fortune of getting hired by Seth Godin at Yoyodyne, where the internet was being labeled as "new media." However, the truth was that there was nothing truly new about it. It was essentially traditional media wrapped in a fresh...
Traditional Advertising Isn’t Extinct, but There Is Simply Too Much Noise Out There
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing landscape, traditional advertising is simply not enough. People are craving real connections and genuine interactions, and it's time for marketers to step up to the challenge. We're living in a time where Bob Dylan's famous...
Embracing a Positive Mindset for Personal Growth
You may recognize me as an optimistic individual if you've engaged with my content throughout the years. I make a conscious effort to maintain a positive outlook, particularly in my interactions with others. Although in my younger years - and I still like to think of...
Father’s Day Can Be Challenging for Some of Us
I don’t get to celebrate Father’s Day in the traditional way as a Dad, so I cherish my daughters from afar, am thankful for their happiness, intelligence, health, success, and beauty (inside and out)... and think about them with love. It has been getting more...