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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
How Can I Verify the Value We Receive From Media Trading?
As a Brand you’re used to buying and selling assets for cash, so trading your surplus assets for advertising may seem somewhat abstract and therefore, its value is difficult to measure. You may have heard that media trading is something that looks good on the books...
If You Can Make Everyone ‘Metaphorically Skip’ With Every Interaction… YOU WIN!
“If you can make everyone ‘Metaphorically Skip’ with every interaction… YOU WIN!” Evergreen Trading RETURN ON RELATIONSHIP Conversations at Brand Innovators SXSW 2014... ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ Remember back to your childhood when you would skip just because you were happy and it...
Be You… And Stand Up for That
Sometimes, we get so caught up in trying to live up to other people’s expectations that it’s easy to lose sight of what makes us unique as individuals. One option is to give in to those expectations, hide your true feelings, toe the line, and filter your actions based...
It’s Time to Re-Elevate This Time Honored Practice… THINKING
In today's fast-paced culture, the simple act of focused thinking has become not only uncommon, but often frowned upon. Daydreaming has been replaced by endless scrolling on smartphones, and the workplace is now associated with non-stop activity, and execution,...
Treasure the Moments…
Treasure the moments... Memories keep the ones you love close to your heart, today and forever. #TheDadWhoWillAlwaysLove 💞 I LOVED being a secret reader years ago for my daughter Niki’s class. Great story, the teacher was giving clues each day, the first was “he works...
Effective Leadership: Inspiring and Influencing Others
A genuine leader has the ability to inspire and influence others. People naturally gravitate towards leaders who lead by example, rather than just preach. It's crucial for individuals in leadership roles to be mindful of their actions and the impact they have on those...