For me, and for many others, the most successful approach to a conference like SXSW is to allow the event to take on a life of its own once you arrive. Make plans, check the schedule (I personally always spend a great deal of time at the amazing Brand Innovators multi-day Summit at Lamberts), but understand that a great deal can, and will, change once you arrive. And this year did not disappoint with planned events, serendipitous meetings, and simple meet and greets along the way.

BEING FLUID has always been the key for me. The way I describe Sx, is imagine stepping into your Facebook or LinkedIn page… walking around bumping into conversations, product launches, new ideas, and seeing old friends, acquaintances, faces you recognize and making new friends/business-contacts. Their words, comments and images are floating past. That is the way I describe Sx… a real world social platform. So I am always prepared for many serendipitous moments and embrace them… never missing the opportunity to make a great connection, enhance an existing relationship, or simply listen in on a great conversation.

The most important part of anything you will do while at Sx, in my opinion, is FOLLOW-UP. Following-up is what a networking event is all about, and so often overlooked by too many. I mention this many times when MC’ing, Keynoting, and anytime I have the opportunity to hold forth on the top. It’s unbelievable to me how many never bother to follow-up, connect away from the event, or even fail to add who they met via social platforms, and then into their contacts file with notes and remembrances… what a complete and utter waste of time and money.

So I hope you had fun, met, greeted, listened, and learned. But, make sure to be the one who follows-up… “stand out in the crowd by making ongoing personal connection your priority,” jump a big step in front of the rest, and start earning some SXSW Return on Relationship.

Remember… Relationships are like muscle tissue, the more they are engaged, the stronger and more valuable they become. 


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