by Ted Rubin | Aug 16, 2017 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing, Uncategorized
The difference between your brand and your reputation can be easy to miss because so many marketing writers use the terms interchangeably. The fact that the terms really are similar in many ways does little to help with the confusion. Both concepts have a major...
by Ted Rubin | Jun 14, 2017 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Marketers love re-targeting, and it’s a pretty natural, if misguided, instinct. This person bought something, or looked at something, they seemed happy enough about buying it, so let’s not let the party end without getting them to buy even more. We all...
by Ted Rubin | May 20, 2017 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing, Uncategorized
Winning in Service Markets, winning in every market… is all about customer experience. Marketing/Communications/Customer Service are all interconnected, and in order to deliver an OmniChannel experience Externally, you must create an OmniChannel culture...
by Ted Rubin | Nov 22, 2016 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Social Media is one of the key channels that brands can utilise to shape customer experiences and attitudes. Ted Rubin – leading Social Marketing Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Brand Evangelist, and Acting CMO of Brand Innovators – is leading the charge for...
by Ted Rubin | Oct 24, 2016 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Ramon Ray, Publisher of Smart Hustle Magazine: I recently had the pleasure of speaking again with the Chief Marketing Officer of Brand Innovators, Ted Rubin, on the importance of building personal relationships in your social media channels, and what the concept of...