by Ted Rubin | Jan 29, 2020 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Reminder for retailers and brands. It’s not just the brand, product or price, it’s the experience. Think about your favorite song or artist and consider why it’s your favorite. Do you remember when you first heard it? Does it transport you back to a certain time in...
by Ted Rubin | Jan 8, 2020 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Originally posted at Big Head Digital Media
by Ted Rubin | Nov 17, 2019 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
What’s the key to an unwavering customer experience and marketing focus? – keep the customer front and center, avoid unnecessary automation and ditch the not-ready-for-prime-time bots. There are plenty of marketing and customer service tools that promise more than...
by Ted Rubin | Oct 21, 2019 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
In this interview, Ted shares why many of us get so distracted on social media that we forget about making genuine human connection and relationships and what we can do about it. He also discusses programmatic and the critical things advertisers need to know when...
by Ted Rubin | Sep 18, 2019 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Engaging Employees to Create Scale, Engagement and Localization. Could there possibly be a better influencer to promote your business than your employees? There is simply no one that knows your business, you customers, and most importantly your local market better...