by Ted Rubin | Jun 20, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Marketers are starting to realize that Brand Advocates are important enough to be part of our marketing strategies… but in my view, we need to take this beyond our Advocates just being “a part” of what we do. We need to value our Advocates enough...
by Ted Rubin | Jun 11, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
More and more, I like the word “appeal” and its implications for marketing and facilitating the building of relationships. The definition of “appeal” (according to the World English Dictionary) is “the power to attract, please, stimulate, or interest.” So, if we apply...
by Ted Rubin | Jun 2, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
“It’s not authentic if everyone loves you.” – Stephen Strong (Alberto Culver) at theChicago Brand Advocacy Series. That is a message that every marketer needs to hear loud and clear, especially as the focus on social media gets stronger and recommendations carry more...
by Ted Rubin | May 31, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Brand identification is changing right along with the other shifts social media has brought about. It is no longer as much about the company logo, the colors or whether we use our middle initial in visual materials or not; it is now about “Social I.D.” – our voice...
by Ted Rubin | May 18, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Visa gets it – that the marketing world has changed significantly, and even the big players need to change along with it. In fact, Visa’s head of marketing, Antonio Lucia, reported that Visa has increased their digital media investment from about 11% to at...