Ted Rubin at #140conf: ROR (#RonR)… Return on Relationship™
by Ted Rubin | Oct 5, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing, Video
- Macaroni Kid (@MacaronikidHQ) gets Return on Relationship (#RonR) right! | Straight Talk | Ted Rubin - [...] recently had the honor of speaking at Macaroni Kid’s meetup (#MKmeetup) about Return on Relationship (#RonR), but it is…
Great presentation, Ted. It continues to be difficult to overcome the challenges of getting brands to realize that social media is more than just building up huge numbers of fans and feeding them with promotional messages.
In your opinion, what is the best way to get a brand to understand SM is about long-term relationships and not about short-term results?
It is a challenge Andrew, and I see it going deeper than just trying to get them to understand that numbers do not tell the story. Where I see the soft underbelly here is that social, as I see it being used by most, is just being employed as another tool in the marketers toolkit… instead of the engagement, interaction and relationship building medium where it presents it true value. The way I approach it, is helping them to understand how so many iconic brands and new ones emerging, are really built upon branding and the experience the brands represent… and what better way to do that with an ongoing component than by utilizing the opportunity social marketing represents.
ROR – brilliant term. Isn’t it really ALL about relationships? What else matters in the end? No one says they wish they’d worked more on their deathbed!
BTW, what is a phone?
Thanks Bruce. It is all about relationships… at least that is the way I see it and hope many other do and will see it that way as well.