2009 when the girls were still a part of my parent’s life.

My Dad, Sheldon Rubin (yes Sheldon/Shelly… the scene in “When Harry met Sally” didn’t make it easy for me to look at my Dad for a while, LOL), taught me the value of friendship, at all levels, and how important it is to be a friend first without expectation. This was the way he behaved in the business world, and with our family, friends, and people in our neighborhood, or anywhere else.

My Dad was always doing things for our neighbors… cleaning up, fixing things, helping out in any way he could, without expecting anything back in return other than friendship, a smile, or even just the knowledge to himself that he was helping. He was the guy who would pull over, anywhere, and clean up a turned over garbage can and place it back where it belonged… and now I am too.

My Dad was the one his Mom always counted on to be there no matter what, and he has always been there for my Mom, my brothers, and me… no matter what. I am certain the character and never say die attitude he taught me is in a big way responsible for my ability to stay the course and never (EVER) give up on staying a part of my daughters live’s, despite the roadblocks and challenges I have faced.

My Dad lived Return on Relationship and it’s that example I simply followed. 

I see this character (being there for others, and never say die) in my daughter Niki, and delight in the knowledge that perhaps I have handed down the most special gift my Dad gave me simply by setting an example, always being “present” and letting my girls know every day that I will ALWAYS be there for them… no matter what obstacles are put in my way, or what happens in their lives.

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Video Link of Dad with Niki and Dani: MVI_0244

IMG_0297Rest in Peace Dad, love you with all my heart… 1/28/28 – 2/23/14

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