In this interview for The Future of Content Marketing, host Cat Margulis and guests Ted Rubin and John Andrews talk about relationship building, old marketing versus new marketing, retail relevancy, and the biggest misconceptions around content marketing.
John Andrews is the President of KatadhinCo, a consulting company that helps startups and scaleups with business strategy, content creation, fund-raising and customer relationship building. John built one of the original ‘people as media’ platforms for Walmart called ElevenMoms. He is the founder of Collective Bias, a Retail Media company focused exclusively on Shopper Marketing (Acquired by Inmar in 2016). He also co-founded Carusele, an agency-based influencer marketing platform and served as CEO of Photofy, a content creation platform.
Ted Rubin. Ted is a leading Social Marketing Strategist, International Keynote Speaker, Business Advisor, and… Author, Connector, Provocateur. He has been listed as #13 on Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers, and number #2 on the Leadtail list of Top 25 People Most Mentioned by digital marketers… and most recently to the leadersHum Global Power list of the Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership for 2022. Ted is the author of Return on Relationship 2013, How to Look People in the Eye Digitally 2015, The Age of Influence 2017, and the 2022 released Retail Relevancy, written along with business partner and Retail Thought Leader John Andrews. (StraightTalk),,,