In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing landscape, traditional advertising is simply not enough. People are craving real connections and genuine interactions, and it’s time for marketers to step up to the challenge.

We’re living in a time where Bob Dylan’s famous words “The Times They Are a-Changin’” ring truer than ever. The days of “only” blasting advertisements at consumers is over. It’s time to focus on what truly matters to people – their relationships, interests, and social connections. 

The future of marketing lies in creating meaningful conversations and providing real value to consumers. It’s not about pushing ads onto social media; it’s about engaging in authentic dialogue and delivering content that is helpful, entertaining, and educational… that adds some ROR (Return on Relationship) to your ROI. Brands that understand this shift are already tapping into the ‘connection economy’ by producing relevant and compelling content that emotionally resonates with their audience.

In this new era of content and connection marketing, the content itself becomes the advertisement. I love meeting those marketers regularly at Brand Innovators’ Summits and VIP Marketer Dinners where they share their experiences, openly express their doubts, and truly build relationships with a vast community of marketers and vendors who learn and create the next generation of platforms and tools. 

Marketers who are willing to embrace this change and understand that sharing, conversation, and emotionally connected content will be the ads of the future are winning. It’s not just about convincing and converting; it’s about conversing and converting.

IMHO, not only do good marketers NOT need a formal marketing education, you damn well better have some on your team without, whose minds are open beyond “this is how it’s done” to “how can we shake things up and make it better.” I look first and foremost for passion, AND second for passion… the rest can be taught and learned on the job

Old marketing was dictation… New Marketing is conversation and communication. Change from Convince and Convert to Converse and Convert!

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