“How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie was recommended to me by my Dad at an early age. Like my Dad, Dale Carnegie taught me the value of truly connecting with people by valuing, and making it about, them. It has been the inspiration for all the relationships I have built over the years of my life and career, the communities I have used these relationships to build, and my ability to earn a living by reinventing myself multiple times during my life.

Read the book, I keep a copy on my phone, iPad, and on the shelf at home… and re-read it often. The one on my shelf is an early edition, printed in 1956 (the year before I was born) bought for me as a gift by a relationship I built across the Atlantic… thank you from the bottom of my heart Jeremy Waite, I will treasure it always.

Relationships are like muscle tissue, the more you engage them, the stronger and more valuable they become.

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Ted Rubin… Straight Talk
What Dale Carnegie Taught Me
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