“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” ~Denis Waitley

This quote has always been stuck in my head, “It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not,” as it highlights the power of self-perception in shaping our actions and decisions. I have learned that Attitude and Perspective… shape your Mindset.

We so often place limits on ourselves not because of our actual capabilities, but because of our own perceived lack of them. We might have skills, intelligence, and/or talents, but our doubts and fears convince us that we’re not good enough, not smart enough, or not deserving of success. These internal barriers create mental roadblocks that prevent us from fully embracing opportunities or pushing beyond our comfort zones when we are at a time in our lives we need it most. The real challenge isn’t external; it’s overcoming the misguided belief that we’re somehow inadequate or incomplete.

This perspective suggests that personal growth and success are tied more to mindset than inherent ability. When we focus on what we think we lack, we magnify those limitations and let them dictate our choices. Conversely, when we shift our focus toward who we are and embrace our strengths, we become more open to taking risks and pursuing our ambitions. By recognizing and reframing our negative self-perceptions, we can unlock potential that was always there, but obscured by fear and doubt. In essence, the key to overcoming challenges is not to change who we are, but to change how we view ourselves and the world around us.

I struggled with this regularly in the middle of my career, after early success, when I experienced a failure or two, my youthful exhuberance and confidence slipped, and I was no longer just responsible for myself. What I have learned over the years is to either volunteer, or commit, to an engagement that requires me to do what I may believe I am incapable of doing, and by doing so it forces me to perform, and from trial and error I have discovered that most often, I make it happen. 

Some of this resurfaced for me post-pandemic, getting back in the world and on-stage, attending events, and my long-standing introvert/extrovert challenge. Once again committing, and the need to then deliver has served me well.

And as I have shared over and over again throughout the years, I rely a great deal on Community and Relationships because… A Network gives you Reach; but a Community gives you Power! Networks Connect… Communities Care.  RETURN ON RELATIONSHIP will be there when you need it most. 

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