Initially I will be Consulting, Speaking, Writing, etc. More to come soon 🙂
In the words of Collective Bias Co-Founder John Andrews…
Dear Collective Bias Colleagues and Social Fabric Members…
I have known some of you since the very beginning of Collective Bias (Amy Callahan and Jay Thornton… remember BlogHer 2009?) and have met the rest as you have joined this great enterprise, this mission, this family we call Collective Bias. I met John Andrews before he and Amy founded Collective Bias, and the ideas were initially germinating at Walmart with Eleven Moms.
We have all worked together since the beginning in one form or another… first me supporting the efforts of John, Amy and Collective Bias while at e.l.f. and OpenSky, then joining as an Advisory Board member in January 2011, as Chief Social Marketing Officer in May of 2011, and I look forward to sharing in the future success of Collective Bias.
I am proud of what we have accomplished and what will be accomplished in the future due to all of our hard work, passion, thought leadership, media disruption, and relentless pursuit of how to best leverage Social Media to support Brands and Retailers. Creating Cb.Socially, and the #cbias hashtag is something of which I am personally particularly proud.
Work hard, support your colleagues, be Innovative, Creative… and ALWAYS Engage, Interact and build RELATIONSHIPS.
“Look well to this day. Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day.” ~Francis Gray
Sincerely, Ted Rubin
Collective Bias Former Chief Social Marketing Officer #RonR!
P.S. I am here for YOU ALL always. Reach out anytime, for any reason. It’s All About Relationships!
And of course, I came forth with one of those opportunities 🙂 Btw, I am going to be assisting you in your session at the Niche Parent Conference.
Adore you Heather 🙂
Ted you are one in a million and I wish you success with whatever the future holds for you. What I love about you is that you practice what you preach – and it works which is proof positive that you know what you are talking about!
‘Work hard, support your colleagues, be Innovative, Creative… and ALWAYS Engage, Interact and build RELATIONSHIPS.”
Congrats, Ted! I love the title and the openess of this post.
Can’t wait to keep learning from and #RoR’ing with you 😉
Needless to say, you’ll have no trouble landing on your colorfully socked feet! I, for one, can’t wait to see what your next adventure will be, and will keep my eye out for things that may be of interest to you (though I doubt you’ll need any help). Change is always good, exciting and rejuvenating. Go get ’em!
As always, looking forward to seeing what comes next. L’Shana Tovah!
We both know better things are coming…. 🙂
Looking forward to seeing what you do next!
Ted, I don’t feel saying “good luck” works here. I would love to work with you in some way. Keep in touch.
Feel free to be in touch anytime Marc. [email protected] 🙂
Funny, I keep thinking there should be a better term than free agent.
There was a person in my life who was unintentionally instrumental in helping me find my voice. He pulled aside the brambles to a path that would eventually lead to entrepreneurship. He said to me, “You are a talented, smart, and charismatic person. I am not sure what to do with you, but I believe in giving great people a place to do what they do best. Would you like to come and work for me?”
I see this post as a similar kind of opportunity. You are one of the greats with nothing but a wide expanse of space in which to do what you do best.
Good luck, can’t wait to cheer you on!
Thanks so much for sharing Amanda. Truly appreciate 🙂