“If you can make everyone ‘Metaphorically Skip’ with every interaction… YOU WIN!”

Evergreen Trading RETURN ON RELATIONSHIP Conversations at Brand Innovators SXSW 2014… ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Remember back to your childhood when you would skip just because you were happy and it was fun. Or for me as a Dad watching the pure joy of my daughters skipping. I soon realized that the best way to put them in a happy mood was to skip with them. When they started fighting or just fussing with each other… I would grab their hands and break in to a skipathon. This opened my eyes to how good skipping makes anyone feel.

Besides the physical benefits, skipping also improves your mood. Just try it! I’m pretty sure that it will be impossible for you (or those around you) to stay angry or stressed after a skip around the block… or the office. In fact, don’t be surprised if you start laughing like a kid again after just a few skips… I do it every day and it always brings a smile to my face.

Figure out a way to get your customers, clients or shoppers, vendors, employees, friends and family, to “metaphorically skip” whenever they experience you, your product or service…. with every interaction! What can you offer or show that can help them reap the same benefits that you get from a skip around the block? Deliver that for them, and you’ll not only have happy customers—you’ll have evangelists who will sing your praises to everyone they know. Talk about Return on Relationship!

Return on Skipping 🤗

Full 1 minute 43 second skipping on stage video here… ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

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