Watch the 26th Episode of the Marketing Mash video series featuring Ted Rubin. Listen to this highly intriguing yet light-hearted conversation about mom bloggers versus dad bloggers. Ted and Eric also discuss the reach that mom bloggers have – building content, sometimes bullying people, but always influential.

Eric Vidal – Chief Content Officer, The Marketing Scope – @EricVMarketing
Ted Rubin – Social Marketing Strategist & Keynote Speaker – @TedRubin

Eric and I were having a fun, say what you’re thinking, stream of thought conversation to spark further discussion. This was NOT about supporting one community or another. I support Mom and Dad Bloggers, and was making a point about a particular issue I see, just like I pointed out, perhaps briefly, to another issue with some in the Mom Blogger community. I value all that is happening in the space and am happy to continue the conversation.

I had an extensive conversation with a group of Dad Bloggers, after this posted to The Marketing Scope, who took issue with what I had to say. Here are my take-aways from that discussion…

1 – I need to be more sensitive to supporting Dad Bloggers, the ones who do great work and don’t politicize, than I may have been. Perhaps when I’m critical, because part of my personal brand is saying what I think (my blog IS called… ‘Straight Talk’), I need to be sure, as I have been with the women, to mention the good side (thought I did, but might have gotten lost in the shuffle), and not be too harsh, even when having fun… because then so many whine and complain. LOL, just kidding, or maybe not totally kidding.

2 – The guys who were upset with what I posted have a point about the fact that men are way more involved in the household and families now… and that deserves credit and support. I am all for that, and totally respect the fact when it comes down to it, that is a big part of what they all stand for and encourage.

3 – The fact that they are all there to support each other, care about other Dads, and strive to be better men… Kudos!

4 – Most in the Dad Blogger community, as it were, are influencing women not men but majority are pitching themselves as influencing men and a bit too obsessed with how men are making more of the purchasing decisions (something I clearly do not agree with to the point of it making a difference to most marketers). Even if they are, the vast majority of men are not following, being influenced by this community, or care about the issues that are being politicized by them… perhaps why they are not getting much traction. Start pitching yourselves to brands about what you are actually influential about… very important if earning a living and being “listened” to is what matters most to you. 

5 – Perception is reality, and the perception of many is that Dad Bloggers are whining and complaining about not being taken seriously. This may only be a group of the more “radical” Dad Bloggers who do not speak for the rest, but they are making the most noise. So a takeaway “for them from me” is that… you need to work on your image as a whole more than on convincing people of your worth/value. *A brand is what you do, but a reputation is what people remember and share. I mean this as valuable input, hope you take it that way.

It’s not the effort to make change I take issue with, it’s the whining and complaining, instead of simply doing, leading by example, and supporting each other. I do not see Dads as a “disenfranchised minority” that desperately needs a voice… sorry. I totally get the support each other thing, and having a place and group where you can feel free to express yourself and feel welcome and appreciated. But I do not agree with the way some of the more boisterous of the community talk about effecting change, getting a voice, and comparing themselves to actual disenfranchised minorities.

#RonR… #NoLetUp!

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Originally posted at The Marketing Scope, August 27, 2015

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