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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
“Life isn’t About Finding Yourself… Life is About CREATING Yourself.”
The title of this post is a George Bernard Shaw quote I employed with my daughters in the hopes I would impress upon them, in a small way with a few words, what I will say here with many more words than their attention spans would allow. I continue to try to influence...
Engage Your Contacts and Social Connections
Over the years I’ve been asked by a lot of people how they can be more successful in building relationships on social channels. And the one thing that keeps coming to the surface is the importance of being “present” when you’re communicating with someone. You know how...
Brand Humility… Clandestine Events + Experiences “Embodies” It
Even if you are absolutely certain that your product/service is one of the best on the market, what you think of your brand is not nearly as important as what your customers and potential customers think of it and say about it. They are, after all, the market! “Brand...
An Email Marketing List, and the Marketing That Follows
An email marketing list, and the marketing that follows, is not simply about numbers… it’s about adding value to both your brand AND the consumer. Unfortunately, too many are simply banging away at the numbers. Consumers do not owe you their attention, and they...
Rosh Hashanah… Let’s Seek The Humane Middle
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה), literally meaning the “beginning (also head) [of] the year” is the Jewish New Year. It marks the beginning of the year, according to the teachings of Judaism, clearly a time for reflection and hope. And right now “hope” for a...
How Can Brands and Retailers Use Universal Coupons to Drive Consumer Behavior?
In this installment of our Universal Coupon discussion, Brandi Johnson, CEO of The Coupon Bureau, sits down with John Andrews and Ted Rubin, authors of RETAIL RELEVANCY, to discuss the digital identity, personal avatars, offer relevancy, and the impact of Universal...