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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
Happier at Work: Business, Community, and Return on Relationship
Happier at Work · 64: Business community & return on relationships with Ted Rubin ‘’A network gives you reach but a community gives you power. Networks connect and communities care.’’ – Ted Rubin. Companies need to step beyond creating a "Culture" and nurture...
Social ROI: Measuring Return on Relationship Is Invaluable
The key to measuring social is understanding your Return on Relationship, ROR (#RonR), which I believe is measured through organic engagement, community management, sentiment monitoring and much more. It all comes down to one word: value. How do your social media...
Ted’s Bluetooth Sunglasses Memorial Day Weekend
Hey everyone, don't know about you but I can't believe it's already Memorial Day Weekend 2021... not sure what happened to 2020, but I am excited for all the new beginnings starting this summer. One thing I have done a lot of the past year is multi-tasking. Not the...
Tearing Down the Barriers Between Who You Are Personally and Professionally
Secret Sushi's Marketing in the Raw podcast with @adamhelweh and featuring Ted Rubin | Ep. #26 Ted Rubin is a social marketing strategist, speaker, and the CMO of Photofy. He is the author of four books, including “Return on Relationship” and “The Age of Influence:...
Books That Will Make You a Better Leader and Human
I am an avid reader and have dedicated a big chunk of my time during the pandemic to educating myself about various causes and history, and have been consciously working on my critical thinking skills. Here’s a list of some of the books I recommend everyone read in...
Thank You Mom…
My mom was the one in the neighborhood who always was available to drive to and from any activity, and she insisted on taking anyone home who did not have a ride. She worked full-time as an elementary school teacher but always managed to make the time, be there for...