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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
Make This Year a “Social” Thanksgiving… “OK, now do it”
Thanksgiving, the time when we give thanks not just FOR, but TO those who have been an important part of our lives... not the only time I hope, but certainly an "official" time. I feel the need to once again propose we all try a Social Thanksgiving – one where we...
Want To Keep Your Customer Experience and Marketing Focused… Beware Automation
What’s the key to an unwavering customer experience and marketing focus? – keep the customer front and center, avoid unnecessary automation and ditch the not-ready-for-prime-time bots. There are plenty of marketing and customer service tools that promise more than...
Good ‘Influencer’ Marketing and Measurement
Something John Andrews and I learned early on, him while at Walmart and me at e.l.f. Cosmetics is that when it comes to content marketing, influencing someone means you are speaking to their personal interests and specific needs and engaging that person enough...
Employee Created Content (#ECC) vs. Employee Generated Content
Employee Created Content #ECC is a fast-growing trend in modern marketing, and brands who embrace it over dated control-focused employee policies around their online presence will be positioned to speed ahead of competition. Many companies are looking at how they can...
Ted Rubin on Social Media Success and Programmatic Advertising ~via @tech_funnel
In this interview, Ted shares why many of us get so distracted on social media that we forget about making genuine human connection and relationships and what we can do about it. He also discusses programmatic and the critical things advertisers need to know when...
True Engagement Should Never be Overwhelming
Coming over a little needy? It’s time your marketing stopped overwhelming the audience on every channel and touchpoint with stories about you, your product and brand, and instead focused on them and their needs. What is engagement? Many brands have one simple answer:...