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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
Who Made You the Arbiter of What Does and Does Not Belong on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn Response, When Someone Tells You What You Should and Should Not Post… First of all… curious who made you the arbiter of what does and does not belong on LinkedIn? Second… LinkedIn is a “social” network, and a place for conversation that the person posting...
Start Thinking More Like a Customer and Less Like a Marketer
We are all consumers, so why do we find it so easy to forget what ticks us off as consumers when we design our marketing? Here is some straightforward advice. Given the choice between developing a marketing idea that dazzles fellow marketers but falls flat with...
ROSH HASHANAH… May you be Inscribed in the “Book of Life” for a Good Year!
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה), literally meaning the “beginning (also head) [of] the year” is the Jewish New Year. It marks the beginning of the year, according to the teachings of Judaism, clearly a time for reflection and hope. And right now "hope" for a...
Too Many Marketing Tools Create Sloppy Work, and Too Few Brands Seem to Care
Telling it straight on the impact marketing automation tools are having on marketing and highlighting a couple of examples that have caught my eye. There are plenty of marketing tools that promise more than they can deliver. That’s always been the case. But when the...
Why Employees Need to Be Empowered to Stop and Think
We live in a culture where the simple act of distraction free thinking has become alien, day dreaming has been replaced with scrolling through a feed on our smart phones and the office is a place for the hustle, not to think – I believe we are missing a trick. Try...
BYOD Retail Marketing
Engaging Employees to Create Scale, Engagement and Localization. Could there possibly be a better influencer to promote your business than your employees? There is simply no one that knows your business, you customers, and most importantly your local market better...