Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה‬), literally meaning the “beginning (also head) [of] the year” is the Jewish New Year. It marks the beginning of the year, according to the teachings of Judaism, clearly a time for reflection and hope. And right now “hope” for a better world right here at home, is more important than ever.


Love this post via John Pavlovitz” and hope you will take it to heart, #TheHumaneMiddle (my newest hashtag)… “I’m Not The Radical Left, I’m The Humane Middle” 🤔

I’m thankful that I, and my family, made it through such an eventful year for us all. Dani started her Master’s at Columbia University, and Niki Harvard Law School… #ProudDad. I’m healthy, making some great business changes, and going into my 4th year eating #vegangoodness. My college roommate and life-long friend Bruce passed away, hope he is in a better place and happy again, and although this is incredibly sad (he did not die of a disease per se, but from what I consider “neglect” of his health and lifestyle) I am extremely thankful for the #BrucesBucketListCuba2019 trip four of us took with Bruce a month before he passed. I’m working hard on always staying present in my daughters lives no matter what, and continue to lay a foundation for the future (🙏🏻). My buddy Danny Small is living in my guest apartment downstairs, it’s great to have him here, but even better being able to be a bogger part of the lives of his amazing children, Sophie and Jacob (#UncleTedsockie). My move to Pompano Beach, FL is continuing to feel right, very happy to be here, and… there’s no question that I’m most thankful for the health of my family and friends.

I do my very best every day to be positive, especially when I’m interacting with others. If you’ve followed me over the years, then you know that #JustBeNice and #BeGoodToPeople is a huge part of my philosophy in business and in life. But it’s not automatic. Sometimes, people, circumstances, or plain old bad luck make it very difficult to keep a positive attitude. I find that remembering what I’m thankful for allows me to keep perspective in the moments when I need it most, whether in business or when dealing with life’s daily challenges and the current political climate.

L’Shana Tova Tikatevu… May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for a good year.

Time for new beginnings… 
Dawning of new hopes…
Opening of new horizons…

Wishing you, your family, and those you love… Peace, Prosperity, Health, and Happiness in the year ahead!

With Love, Ted

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