Collective Bias’ Ted Rubin Adds Chief Hugs Officer (CHO) to His Job Title
Hugs and Relationships Top Priority for Social Shopper Media Company

Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias, adds “Chief Hugs Officer” to his title.

Bentonville, Ark. (PRWEB) January 29, 2013
Collective Bias, a leading social shopper mediacompany, recently announced a new job title for Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer (CSMO) and author of upcoming book, “Return on Relationship”. In addition to CSMO, Ted will take on CHO or Chief Hugs Officer, as announced through Rubin’s social networks last week.
“No, CHO does not mean I’m the official ‘hug giver’ at Collective Bias,” said Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer. “It’s an extension of our culture and my philosophy of Return on Relationship, or always finding opportunities to metaphorically hugs/embrace your customers.”
Rubin teased his job title change on Facebook and Twitter, which led to commenting or tweeting back to offer their thoughts on what CHO stood for. Ideas from friends and followers included, “Chief Happiness Officer,” “Chief High-five Officer,” and “Chief Hosiery Officer” for his love of crazy socks, among others.
According to Rubin, in his role as CHO he will be responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining and sharing the hug-your-customer-mentality throughout Collective Bias and his greater Return on Relationship network. “Do it now, do it often, make it part of your brand DNA,” he said.
“Ted’s concept of Return on Relationship is core to our business and something that is practiced daily at Collective Bias,” said John Andrews, Collective Bias CEO. “ROR and the ‘metaphorical hug’ go hand-in-hand, and should be something all businesses implement from the start.”
Rubin is most commonly known for, “Return on Relationship” (or ROR), a term he started using and evanglizing back in 2009. It’s a concept he believes is the cornerstone for building an engaged multi-million member database, many of whom are vocal advocates for the brand. For over three years, Ted has spoke on this topic at national and international conferences, including Social Media World Forum, IBM Social Commerce Global Summit, and Hispanicize, just to name a few.
On January 29th, Rubin and long-time friend and co-author Kathryn Rose will officially launch their book “Return on Relationship”, presenting real world, practical ideas that will help businesses maximize their potential through using community-focused tools on the Internet and in every day interactions. The book can be ordered on
About Collective Bias
Collective Bias is a new media company leading the way in social shopper media. We weave organic social content into real-life stories to create millions of impressions that leads to increased share of voice, organic SEO and ultimately sales for brands and retailers like Starbucks, Nestlé, Elmer’s and Walgreens. Our Social Fabric, a proprietary community, consists of shopping-focused influencers with a direct, multi-channel reach in excess of 40 million.
And people wonder why social media is viewed as a fad for immature folks with no business acumen…
Thanks for your input Mark. I take it you do not believe in embracing your customers, vendors and employees and making all their experiences remarkable. It’s ok, not for everyone 🙂