From: Emma Sokoloff-Rubin
Date: Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 10:37 AM
Hi Uncle Ted, I wanted to ask you a quick favor. I’ve taken on a challenge to organize 50 people to do something I think matters. Here’s what I decided to do: ask 50 people to pick a teacher–teacher broadly used, could be a first-grade teacher, a friend who taught them something, a parent, a coach–and write that person a brief email. Let them know someone’s thinking of them, and gives us a chance to put into words something about what we’ve learned from them.
From: Ted Rubin
Date: Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 11:25 AM
Subject: Miss you guys!
To: Roz & Ira Gibel
Ira… my niece was just asking about teachers/coaches, who have played an important role in our lives. Without a moment’s hesitation I thought about you above all others.
Just a reminder of how important my relationship with you and Roz has been to me. Teaching me to never give up, shaping me to be the man I am, and being there to support me always. Cannot express how much it has meant to me all these years. I was just looking at the photos from my trip there with the girls in August 2007… as much as every time we are together has meant to me, that visit will remain closest to my heart.
Thank you. With love, Ted
<Ira was my Junior High and High School Wrestling Coach. Roz is his wife and has always been an integral part of it all. I love them both dearly.>

Hey everyone! If you write an email today to let someone know how much you have learned from them, send a sentence from the email my way! ([email protected]) I’m pulling together excerpts from messages to teachers, mentors, coaches, and friends to form a compilation that’s sure to be inspirational. (Love your message, Uncle Ted.)
Please reach out to someone who made a difference for you, and then share with Emma 🙂
This is a great post, and LOVE the photos, Ted. Thank you for sharing this, and thanks also to your niece Emma for the double inspiration! You and your family ROCK! xxlynn
Thanks Lynn. Hope you will share something with Emma.
Dear Ted,
Some time ago, you and I visited for the first time here in Seattle. After an enlightening two-plus hour visit where we refreshingly didn’t talk business, in the last half-hour, I asked you what you would tell a novice social media user… like myself. You proceeded to give me a list of tips that I furiously wrote down. I then followed many of those tips and they helped me tremendously. But better than that, I continued to quote you and your tips to my college students who need to escalate themselves and use Twitter in a PROPER way professionally (because those who are using it are following celebrities or doing possibly inappropriate things on social media ;-).
Therefore, what you taught me multiplies for countless others, three quarters per year. In fact, I just taught my students some items from your list today!
I appreciate being connected to you, and thank you for taking the time to meet me when you were here in Seattle.
Hey Ellen, thanks so much for the thoughtful input. Sorry it took me so long to approve, somehow got lost in the shuffle. Make it a great day. I am sure you inspire many everyday with your teaching and mentoring.