by Ted Rubin | Apr 3, 2012 | Divorced Dad, Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Guest Post by @Katadhin, John Andrews, Founder/CEO Collective Bias Look at the current crop of emerging technology companies and you’ll see many similarities like leverage of the social graph and disruption of media channels as we currently know them. They also have...
by Ted Rubin | Mar 2, 2012 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
@Katadhin, John Andrews, Collective Bias Founder/CEO, has over 14 years experience with leading brands like Sara Lee, Eastman Kodak Digital, Newell Rubbermaid, and of course Walmart, where he is perhaps best known for the creation of its award winning social media...
by Ted Rubin | Dec 29, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Ted Rubin Wednesday (Yesterday) 12/28 11:23am Will Pinterest Replace Facebook?… (via John Andrews andCollective Bias) Will Pinterest Replace Facebook? | Collective Bias | Blog Last week I was in a meeting with...
by Ted Rubin | Dec 8, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Guest post by John Andrews, Founder/CEO Collective Bias. Originally posted at CollectiveBias blog Almost four years ago, I was attending SXSW with the Walmart Elevenmoms group. I was learning about social media from the people that were doing it by immersing myself...
by Ted Rubin | Jun 23, 2011 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
06.14.2011– June 14, 2011, Bentonville, Ark. – Collective Bias, LLC, a leading shopper media company, has opened a new services division called cb.socially. The division is devoted to conversational media management, engagement, interaction and relationship building...