by Ted Rubin | Mar 13, 2022 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
ROR: Return on Relationship, #RonR, simply put, is the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple dollars and cents, ROR is the value (both perceived and real) that will accrue over time through connection, trust,...
by Ted Rubin | Feb 27, 2022 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Much of the current spending in digital marketing is at the very bottom of the funnel. There are literally billions of dollars being spent to target the right consumer in the right place at the right time, and much of it is completely wasted due to a simple fact:...
by Ted Rubin | Feb 13, 2022 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
Businesses no longer have the luxury of compartmentalizing the customer experience. Consumers have a multitude of ways to engage with a company. For example, by walking into a physical store, browsing a catalogue, visiting a website, using social media, and now…...
by Ted Rubin | Jan 16, 2022 | Featured, Marketing, Miscellaneous
Joe Jaffe welcomes back Ted Rubin and his co-author John Andrew to discuss a meaty topic indeed: THE FUTURE OF RETAIL. You had me at “personal commerce” and “if our products come to us when we need them, do we still need to go and get them?” ~Joe ➡️ Retail Relevancy...
by Ted Rubin | Jan 1, 2022 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
RETAIL RELEVANCY: How Brands and Retailers will Connect with Shoppers in a Post-Physical Retail World ➡️ ORDER your copy of… RETAIL RELEVANCY, byJohn Andrews and Ted Rubin, via Amazon ⬅️ Our goal is to explore how brands and retailers can thrive in the future...