by Ted Rubin | Jun 21, 2016 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing, Video
Featuring Author of “Return on Relationship” & “Look People in the Eye Digitally” Ted Rubin. Published on Apr 27, 2016 Kirby Hasseman is the owner of Hasseman Marketing (find more at He is also the author...
by Ted Rubin | Jun 19, 2016 | Divorced Dad, Divorced Dad Media, Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing, Video
This video was created by Storyteller Jude Charles, who worked with me in the past, and approached me to create this story. These are some of his takeaways… #ThisDadWontQuit #NoLetUp! encompasses everything you’ve ever talked about – Return on...
by Ted Rubin | Jun 19, 2016 | Divorced Dad, Divorced Dad Media, Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing, Uncategorized, Video
This video was created by Storyteller Jude Charles, who worked with me in the past, and approached me to create this story. These are some of his takeaways… #ThisDadWontQuit #NoLetUp! encompasses everything you’ve ever talked about – Return on...
by Ted Rubin | Jun 14, 2016 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing
In today’s world businesses no longer have the luxury of compartmentalizing the customer experience. Consumers have a multitude of ways to engage with a company: walking into a physical store; browsing a catalogue, visiting a website, or using social media. They also...
by Ted Rubin | Jun 7, 2016 | Featured, Marketing, Social Media/Marketing, Video
The late Tip O’Neill, the long-time Speaker of the House in the US House of Representatives a generation ago, had a favourite and oft quoted phrase: “All politics is local”. He was right. And the same is true of all communication, including public speaking. Personal...