Thinking About Your Audience’s Audience: An Audvisor Insight from Ted Rubin

“I’d like to share this insight I’ve chosen from by Ted Rubin on thinking about your audience’s audience.

Here is the insight in Ted’s own words (transcript lightly edited for readability). Enjoy!”

– Rajesh Setty

Stop looking so closely and worrying about who your audience is and start thinking more about who their audience is.

Every audience has audiences, everybody influences somebody.

I hear all these people analyzing the people in the audience, but they’re not taking the next step and seeing who are those people speaking to.

Everybody today is speaking to somebody, whether they’re just in the traditional format and the traditional word of mouth, they’re going to PTA meetings, they’re going to the business offices, they’re going to the water cooler or more than likely they’re sharing it via their social presence.

So start taking that next step and looking at that.

Don’t not follow someone because you think that they’re not relevant to you.

See who’s relevant to them because that’s really where you want to be.

You want to be in your audience’s audience’s audiences.  ~Ted Rubin

“How can you apply this great insight from Ted in your own business?” ~Raj Setty

Originally posted at Rajesh Setty’s Medium

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