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Straight Talk Blog: Featured Posts
The Industry Transformation Coalition Author Lecture Series with Ted Rubin: Part Two
INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION COALITION (ITC) PART II - AUTHOR LECTURE SERIES: TED RUBIN Expert Panelist: Ted Rubin, Author & Entrepreneur Topic: Return on Relationship Length: 32 Minutes Purchase Book: Return on Relationship Topics: How his daughter taught Ted how to...
The Industry Transformation Coalition Author Lecture Series with Ted Rubin: Part One
INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION COALITION (ITC) PART I - AUTHOR LECTURE SERIES: TED RUBIN Expert Panelist: Ted Rubin, Author & Entrepreneur Topic: Return on Relationship Length: 28 Minutes Purchase Book: Return on Relationship Topics: How to care for relationships;...
Culture of Community
As my thinking has evolved around the topic of Employee Advocacy, I have come to realize that a "program" is not the best way to proceed. Although the idea is a good one, all too often this becomes like many other programs... stale, ignored, sometimes despised, and...
Customer Experience is Your Only True “Real” Branding
It is very, very rare to have your customer's full attention. No matter how good your marketing is, people are still thinking about the food in the oven, the letter they have to mail, or the game they watched last night. Even when someone comes into your store,...
Lead Gen and… Customer Experience with Your Marketing
Always focus on truly adding value and be sure to do whatever you can to form a human connection—people do not want to be treated as a number. Yes, you can measure and track numbers, and bang people relentlessly over the head... and make sales. BUT... Your...
Relationships ARE the Most Valuable Currency
How do you build and strengthen relationships with your audience (as a whole, and as individuals) to increase your Return on Relationship, ROR, #RonR? 1. Listen If you want to be heard above the ever-growing social media “noise,” you need to first listen to your...