Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinPresentation: Developing Ongoing Engagement & Real Relationships
Presentation: Developing Ongoing Engagement & Real Relationships
Establish a Good Content Foundation—Invest in Your Blog
According to a January article by eMarketer, research from the social marketing software firm Awareness, Inc. shows that businesses are thinking about getting back into blogging for 2012, and it’s about time. The survey also indicated that businesses are looking at...
Ixtapa Pacific @ClubMedofficial with my daughters…
Back from amazing vacation thanks to fabulous resort property Club Med Official Ixtapa. Only regret is I will now terribly miss my girls... got used to being with them in such a great place every day. I have come to learn that it is all about... "moments" in our...
Guest post via @Katadhin: Get Your Hands Dirty, It’s Time for sCommerce
@Katadhin, John Andrews, Collective Bias Founder/CEO, has over 14 years experience with leading brands like Sara Lee, Eastman Kodak Digital, Newell Rubbermaid, and of course Walmart, where he is perhaps best known for the creation of its award winning social media...
Beware of the Shiny New Toy Syndrome: People are Social—Not Platforms
Late last year I posted a discussion about whether or not Pinterest will replace Facebook as a social platform. The post was meant to spark conversation. It’s interesting… whenever a new platform rises (like Pinterest or Google Plus), there is always chatter about...
The ‘Wisdom of Friends’ Powers Brand Advocacy
We are hearing so much now about social media creating a shift from ‘the wisdom of crowds’ to ‘the wisdom of friends’, but what does that really mean for brand advocacy? A lot. It’s this ‘wisdom of friends’ that brings a new “social power” to Brand Advocacy. Social...
Driving measurable ROI from Social Media… they key is the Shopper.
Let’s discuss how brands can drive measurable ROI from social media now. This is such an important topic. ROI for many years was addressed from a longer-term perspective with respect to branding. The move to digital, and ability to track from click to sale, has...
Technology is Changing, but Don’t Panic—People are Still People!
Technology is always on the move—and we’ve made more technological advances in the last decade than any of us alive today have experienced in a generation. For instance, did you know that every 60 seconds, over 700 computers, 80 iPads, and 925 iPhones are sold today?...
Guest post via @katkrose: Attention Bloggers: Should You Be Worried About Duplicate Content?
Attention Bloggers: Should You Be Worried About Duplicate Content? by KATHRYN ROSE on FEBRUARY 8, 2012 Has this happened to you? You have an opportunity to guest blog on a prominent site. You ask if you submit the blog and it’s published, could you then repost the...
Meet Team @cbSocially – the People Behind the Conversation
Originally posted at Collective Bias 2.9.12 cb.Socially was established in June of 2011 as the Collective Bias media syndication engine that enables Collective Bias to distribute content, PR, offers/promotions and user generated media via all the social platforms to...
Measuring Social Engagement… my two cents
I believe many are looking at this in too narrow a fashion. Everyone is trying to assign a dollar value to a Facebook fan or Twitter follower instead of addressing the fact that engagement and interaction that takes place in these mediums and are incredibly important...
Guest post via @katkrose: Is It Really All About Relationships? Yes, It Is!
Originally posted at WindMillNetworking™ by Kathryn Rose There is so much buzz lately surrounding the term “Relationship Marketing.” My friend and social media guru, Mari Smith’s newest book is titled “The New Relationship Marketing: How to Build a Loyal, Profitable...
The “Real” Social Media Super Bowl
Many are now talking about Super Bowl XLVI being the first “Social” Super Bowl. It truly was, as an event, due to efforts of the Super Bowl’s host committee and their use of a Social Media Command Center. In my opinion, the Super Bowl Social Media Center is proof...
The "Real" Social Media Super Bowl
Many are now talking about Super Bowl XLVI being the first “Social” Super Bowl. It truly was, as an event, due to efforts of the Super Bowl’s host committee and their use of a Social Media Command Center. In my opinion, the Super Bowl Social Media Center is proof...
The "Real" Social Media Super Bowl
Many are now talking about Super Bowl XLVI being the first “Social” Super Bowl. It truly was, as an event, due to efforts of the Super Bowl’s host committee and their use of a Social Media Command Center. In my opinion, the Super Bowl Social Media Center is proof...
Heading to @ClubMedOfficial Ixtapa with my Teenage Daughters in Two Weeks
Being the divorced Dad of two teenage daughters has its trials and tribulations. I guess being the Dad of teenage daughters has challenges regardless of marital status, but for me the next couple of years are so very important. It is not only a very special time, but...
Want Better Return on Relationship™? Don’t Wait for Customers/Prospects to “Like” You… Start “Liking” Them!
Time and time again, I hear marketers cry the blues that they have a hard time making their social media efforts pay off. “How can I create content that gets more engagement?” they ask. “I’m blogging, but nobody’s listening… I’m not getting any response to my tweets…...
Want Better Return on Relationship™? Don't Wait for Customers/Prospects to “Like” You… Start "Liking" Them!
Time and time again, I hear marketers cry the blues that they have a hard time making their social media efforts pay off. “How can I create content that gets more engagement?” they ask. “I’m blogging, but nobody’s listening… I’m not getting any response to my tweets…...
Want Better Return on Relationship™? Don't Wait for Customers/Prospects to “Like” You… Start "Liking" Them!
Time and time again, I hear marketers cry the blues that they have a hard time making their social media efforts pay off. “How can I create content that gets more engagement?” they ask. “I’m blogging, but nobody’s listening… I’m not getting any response to my tweets…...
What’s Your Social Style? Featuring me… via @InspiredMomma
What’s Your Social Style? Posted by mneeley on January 30, 2012 My Interview with Ted Rubin, Social Marketing Strategist & Chief Social Marketing Office at Collective Bias Tell me a bit about what you do? I am a social marketing strategist and in March 2009...
Marketing, Digital & PR in the Social Media Blender
These are exciting times, because Social Media takes “Will it Blend?” to a whole new level with marketers. And for those of us who’ve been in the business for a while—it’s about time! For years, marketing people and PR folks wore separate hats—had different skill...
Marketing, Digital & PR in the Social Media Blender
These are exciting times, because Social Media takes “Will it Blend?” to a whole new level with marketers. And for those of us who’ve been in the business for a while—it’s about time! For years, marketing people and PR folks wore separate hats—had different skill...
Marketing, Digital & PR in the Social Media Blender
These are exciting times, because Social Media takes “Will it Blend?” to a whole new level with marketers. And for those of us who’ve been in the business for a while—it’s about time! For years, marketing people and PR folks wore separate hats—had different skill...
Marketing 101 Lessons Social Marketers Shouldn’t Forget
In watching the social media revolution unfold around us over the past several years, there’s a recurring theme that keeps popping up. I see it all the time in discussions on “best practices” and in forums and blogs where marketers lament the fact that you can’t...
“Life isn’t about Finding Yourself. Life is about CREATING Yourself.”
The title of this post is a George Bernard Shaw quote I employ with my daughters in the hopes I will impress upon them, in a small way with a few words, what I will say here with many more words than their attention spans will allow. How many times have you heard that...
“Life isn't about Finding Yourself. Life is about CREATING Yourself.”
The title of this post is a George Bernard Shaw quote I employ with my daughters in the hopes I will impress upon them, in a small way with a few words, what I will say here with many more words than their attention spans will allow. How many times have you heard that...
Permission Marketing: why Brands should be(a)ware!
Social Marketing is ultimate in Permission Marketing, and therefore it carries the ultimate marketing danger with it: taking away the permission is totally in the consumers’ control. Brands be(a)ware! Permission Marketing puts the power in the consumer’s hands, by...
Coping with Divorce… personal view of a Dad with experience
Originally published by me in Your Teen Magazine (at their request): Coping with Divorce, Personal Stories / Winter 2012 issue, page 15 With divorce, most dads are not the custodial parent, and therefore, the dad has little or no control over the daily decisions. For...
My contribution to Amanda Stevens’ new book: PurseStrings
PurseStrings: New Proven Ways of Reaching the Hearts and Minds of Female Consumers by Amanda Stevens (Pages 126-132) Tell me about your background and your connection to marketing to women? I’ve been working in digital marketing since 1997: originally working...