Straight Talk Blog

Ted Rubin

Want Better Return on Relationship™? Don’t Wait for Customers/Prospects to “Like” You… Start “Liking” Them!

Time and time again, I hear marketers cry the blues that they have a hard time making their social media efforts pay off.  “How can I create content that gets more engagement?” they ask. “I’m blogging, but nobody’s listening… I’m not getting any response to my tweets…...

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Want Better Return on Relationship™? Don't Wait for Customers/Prospects to “Like” You… Start "Liking" Them!

Time and time again, I hear marketers cry the blues that they have a hard time making their social media efforts pay off.  “How can I create content that gets more engagement?” they ask. “I’m blogging, but nobody’s listening… I’m not getting any response to my tweets…...

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Want Better Return on Relationship™? Don't Wait for Customers/Prospects to “Like” You… Start "Liking" Them!

Time and time again, I hear marketers cry the blues that they have a hard time making their social media efforts pay off.  “How can I create content that gets more engagement?” they ask. “I’m blogging, but nobody’s listening… I’m not getting any response to my tweets…...

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