Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinSocial Marketing and Me
I like to say I got started in social media as soon as getting involved in this thing we call the Internet when I joined Seth Godin’s start-up, Yoyodyne, in 1997. Everything digital enabled sharing in ways never imagined before… so for me that is where it all began....
The View on Outbound Sales
Ted Rubin, CMO at Photofy, joins us to talk about all things outbound sales. At OutboundView we help B2B companies predictably build sales pipeline through consulting, training, and technology implementation.
Digital Marketing and Sales Trends… Get Onboard or Go Home
If brands are hoping to stay relevant and keep up with the content creation phenomenon, the rest of 2020 needs to be the time for Empowering Employees to Power your Brand. It’s plain and simple—employee censorship on social channels is a disaster for brands. We can no...
The Accidental Entrepreneur Podcast: An Interview with Ted Rubin
Ted Rubin is a leading Social Marketing Strategist, Photofy CMO... Author/Speaker/Provocateur. Ted was Chief Social Marketing Officer of Collective Bias (an early entrant to the content and influencer marketing space) and a principal shareholder until the November...
InnovaBuzz Talks with Ted Rubin about Return on Relationship
In this episode, I’m really excited to have as my guest, Ted Rubin. Ted is a digital marketer and brand strategist who coined the term Return on Relationship (aka. #RonR). He is also the Chief Marketing Officer of Photofy, a prolific author, and an even more prolific...
Your Friends Have A HUGE Influence On Your Buying Decisions!
What makes you decide to buy something? Your friends have a HUGE influence on your buying decisions. We talked with superhuman Ted Rubin today about social media and content sharing trends. ~@GrabMike Click here to view the video on LinkedIn Recorded LIVE with Mike...
Data Based Relationships Need The Human Touch
There is the a often-conflicting relationship marketers have with their data and their creativity. In this article, our straight-talking resident Rockstar CMO Ted Rubin argues for the human touch. Most of today’s senior business leaders and marketers developed much of...
The Story Behind Photofy
In this interview, we talk with Ted Rubin, CMO and Advisory Board Member at Photofy, about the importance of brand consistency and their approach to marketing, naming, and domain names. What is the story behind Photofy? Photofy was founded in 2013 as a...
STANDOUT Marketing Magazine talks with Ted Rubin about Relationships
STANDOUT Marketing Magazine talks with Ted Rubin about the importance of establishing long-term relationships to help you stand out in a noisy crowded marketplace. Our interview with Ted focuses on Return On Relationships (ROR) in business. He provided us with useful...
CoronaCocktails 6.1 – My “Libtard” friend, Ted Rubin ~via @jaffejuice [video]
Warning: If you are easily offended by liberal speak, then you should definitely tune-in at 5pm on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube for CoronaCocktails and my “libtard” friend, Ted Rubin. Also, if you’re not easily offended by liberal speak, then you should certainly...
Return on Relationship, Be Good To People, and Authentic Leadership [Video] Wonderfully inspiring chat with Ted Rubin, was one of the best chats I have ever had, about his work, Return on Relationship, #BeGoodToPeople, Authentic Leadership, Personal Brand and Building Valuable...
What Does the Post Coronavirus “New Normal” Mean for You, Your Organization, and Marketing in General?
Rockstar CMO asked me, “What does the post Coronavirus new normal mean for you, your organization, and marketing in general?”... It’s time to hit reset. For people I find myself outdoors taking advantage of this time to exercise even more than usual. I’m noticing...
Thoughts on Relationships, Work, and Challenging Times
What was your vision when you started off in the digital marketing world? I can't say I had a vision... I was looking for something new with a lot of potential. When I discovered the emerging digital world, I was fortunate enough to see what was coming. Truth be told...
Content Marketing and SEO Insights
The #1 biggest mistake I see is that most brands have not noticed, OR are not willing to accept, that we’re moving to a “connection economy,” and that producing ongoing content at scale that meets the new search “relevancy” standards is incredibly necessary. They need...
The Importance of Return on Relationship During COVID-19
Q & A: The importance of Return on Relationship (#RonR) on your customers and team... even more-so during this pandemic. 1. What should people be thinking about with regard to building brand relationships during this unique period we find ourselves in? RonR...
Three Reasons Why Business Empathy is Crucial
What is Empathy and Why is it Not Enough? We all know the basic definition of empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. However, today, that simple idea is not enough. In some ways it should be easier since we are all more or less feeling...
Westminster Innovation: 3 questions & 3 answers with Ted Rubin [video]
This series was conceived before COVID-19 but was executed as COVID-19 began to heat up and change all of our worlds. This worldwide crisis we are all dealing with is causing everyone to have to change things up. Instead of doing this in a studio with a team, I did...
Leveraging Employee Created Content for Business Normalization and Reopening
As many businesses begin getting back to business over the coming weeks and months, clear, concise, and frequent communication will be invaluable to help keep customers updated and informed. From changes in hours, menus, and inventories, to safety procedures for staff...
Building Relationships During a Time of Crisis… Shane Barker and Ted Rubin
COVID-19 has resulted in numerous lifestyle changes for everyone. Subsequently, your target audience’s needs have also changed. Most of your potential customers are not thinking about what car to buy, what clothes to wear, or which tech products to get. As a result,...
Frictionless Retail: Turning Consumers into Buyers
Turning consumers into buyers requires so much more than just an everyday low price. Customers have more options than ever before, which means that a good price on the item that they need won't necessarily be hard to find. The difference between brands often comes in...
Consumers are Loyal to Experience, not Brands
It’s not just the brand, product or price, IT'S The EXPERIENCE.... especially now when Health at Safety are the top of everyone's list! Think about your favorite song or artist and consider why it’s your favorite. Do you remember when you first heard it? Does it...
Create Branded ZOOM Meeting Backgrounds with Photofy + 6 Months FREE
With many businesses transitioning to remote work, video conferencing software has become the easiest way to keep in contact with your team, and community. It’s helpful to be able to collaborate “face to face,” especially when you can’t actually be there in person....
In Times of Crisis: Attitude, Perspective… Mindset
The events of the last month have left us all in a state of confusion, fear and uncertainty. As many areas are in the process of shutting down industries in an effort to curtail the spread of COVID-19 our nation is withdrawing. The once surging economy is now...
Better Products, Better Marketing… Better Listen
Thanks to the continual evolution of social media, we have a growing set of useful tools for gathering feedback about our brand and products. Online branded communities, for example, have become increasingly valuable meeting spaces where community members and brand...
What’s Marketing’s Future Role in Stimulating Need?
I have a real problem with this question I get asked often… “So, what is our future role in stimulating need?” I realize that a great deal of the marketing world focuses on “stimulating need” rather than fulling needs, solving problems, providing solutions, and making...
Paying (Closer) Attention to Communication
Were you born before the digital age? Do you remember what it was like to get actual letters in the mail from family, friends and colleagues? If you are lucky enough to be born “back then,” when communication was slower and simpler—when picking up the telephone was...
Never Give Up on Your Daughters
Today on the Dads With Daughters Podcast we have Photofy CMO, leading Social Marketing Strategist, Author, Speaker, Provocateur Ted Rubin. "A big thank you to Christopher Lewis for including me in the amazing Dad communities he has empowered and nurtured." ~Ted Rubin...
Consumers Are Loyal to Experience, Not Brands
Reminder for retailers and brands. It’s not just the brand, product or price, it’s the experience. Think about your favorite song or artist and consider why it’s your favorite. Do you remember when you first heard it? Does it transport you back to a certain time in...
Look Beyond the Cliché of “Influence”
Okay marketers, it's time to get something straight... when you buy into influencer marketing, what are you really buying? Media. Influencer marketing is really just another form of media, but can be a much more effective form in my opinion… if done with forethought....
Engaging Influencers
The biggest mistake brands make when trying to engage influencers is not first trying to understand who they are and what they stand for. They think it is all about the money, and simply the numbers and reach. I write a lot about Looking People in the Eye Digitally…...