Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinVoting for Marketing Book of The Year is Open & Return on Relationship is on the List, #RonR…
Below originally posted at Marketing Book of The Year 2014 *Vote Here...* Welcome to Marketing Book of The Year 2014.2013 was a very successful year for marketing books. We saw lots of different titles being...
I have to say this outright, even though I have a Twitter handle dedicated to it (@just_b_nice), and a Hashtag #JustBeNice, so many just don't get how easy it is to... JUST BE NICE! Say... "Have a nice day, night or weekend" at the end of a call. Hold a door for...
Wake up Corporate America…
[Awesome image via] Companies need to shut up and listen instead of using social media as an advertising tool. They’re worried about who has more Twitter followers, about who has more fans on Facebook... or they’re worried about who is...
Doubt the Doubts Podcast interview: The Value of Relationships with Ted Rubin
A few weeks back I was interviewed by Paul Blais (@pdblais), Founder & Host of the Doubt The Doubts Podcast. The podcast focuses on “Killing The Doubts That Kill The Dreams”. During the podcast we talked about the importance of listening. In the interview Paul...
Real Time Marketing – the Good, the Bad and a better Customer Experience ~via @InsideCXM
Getting the right message to the right people at the right time is an age-old marketing mantra. And how you hit that sweet spot has been foremost in the minds of every marketer since people started selling things to each other. That hasn’t changed over the years, but...
Syndication and Relationships with @TedRubin [@BryanKramer’s Podcast]
Joining us in Episode 5 of From the Author’s Point of View is Ted Rubin. Many people in the social media world knows him for his enthusiastic, energetic & undeniably personal connection to people. Ted is the most followed CMO on Twitter according to Social...
Syndication and Relationships with @TedRubin [@BryanKramer's Podcast]
Joining us in Episode 5 of From the Author’s Point of View is Ted Rubin. Many people in the social media world knows him for his enthusiastic, energetic & undeniably personal connection to people. Ted is the most followed CMO on Twitter according to Social...
Gallaghers Steakhouse (@Gallaghers_NYC), A New York City Institution, Reopening…
Gallaghers was acquired in January 2013 by Central Park Boathouse operator Dean Poll, a good personal friend who has shown me time and time again that Return on Relationship is part of his DNA. Dean is a native Long Islander who grew up in the restaurant industry....
My Most Important Social Media Tools…
1 - My personality 2 - My passion and... 3 - My obsessiveness with being connected 🙂 *Thanks for asking this question and making me think about it Bryan Kramer.
Consider Social Customer Service to Establish Social Media ROI ~via @ignitesma
This post is right on point and makes a perfect case for Return on Relationship (#RonR) enhancing ROI. See below for the screen shot of a coincidental engagement I had with United Airlines right before I saw this post from John. Originally posted at Ignite Social...
Creativity in Social Media
I think creativity in social media is at the heart of the problem of realizing and executing the true value of social. Save the creativity for advertising "campaigns," and get down to the basics of relationship building when it comes to discussions about social and...
CXM: The X-Factor in Return on Relationship
Are companies finally starting to get the message about Return on Relationship, ROR (#RonR)? I have been using and evangelizing the term since early 2009, and the acronym, RonR (as a hashtag #RonR), is floating around a lot these days and it seems to exemplify...
iBlog Magazine’s @TheSamiCone Interview’s Ted Rubin [Video]
This CMO preaches the importance of #RonR Cause Marketing. Fast Company. Permission Marketing. Aggregated Space – Ted Rubin’s had a hand in each of these movements. Perhaps that’s why he’s become the #1 most-followed CMO on Twitter. So what does he have to offer the...
iBlog Magazine's @TheSamiCone Interview's Ted Rubin [Video]
This CMO preaches the importance of #RonR Cause Marketing. Fast Company. Permission Marketing. Aggregated Space – Ted Rubin’s had a hand in each of these movements. Perhaps that’s why he’s become the #1 most-followed CMO on Twitter. So what does he have to offer the...
BE Authentic, don’t just ACT it. This might seem obvious… but authenticity is on the verge of becoming just another buzz word in social media marketing. TRUE authenticity (not just using that word often in your tweets and posts) will set your brand (product or...
Native Content…
Native content is not about pitching your product, it's about creating connection. Remember it is only native to the content consumer if it provides value to them and provides a real solution or makes an emotional connection. ---
iBlog Magazine Flipside Video, @TheSamiCone Interviews Ted Rubin
Published on Dec 5, 2013 Ever wonder why people pay so much attention to Ted Rubin's feet? If you know anything about Ted, you need to know about his socks. One of the most interesting things I learned during my time with Ted was how his sock notoriety and marketing...
Return on Employees, ROE…
Empower your Employees…and they will Power your Brand! Every company can benefit enormously by recognizing the fact that social connection is an integral part of all of our lives now. Remember that in today’s social world, every person has an extended circle of...
The Social Enterprise… Dead or Alive?
Originally published at Inside CXM Lately I've been noticing some angst among advocates of the social enterprise movement-namely that they think it's not living up to its promise. Back in 2011 all kinds of predictions were floating around. An article in PC World...
The Rise of the Mansumer is a Myth Created by Men
For years a number of years now the prevalent wisdom in marketing circles has been that men brought home the bacon, and women ran the house and ruled the household checkbook. Marketing to women has been the focus and the norm, and with the rise of the Mom Blogger...
How to Look People in the Eye Digitally
Over the years I’ve been asked by a lot of people how they can be more successful in building relationships on social channels. And the one thing that keeps coming to the surface is the importance of being “present” when you’re talking to someone. You know how...
Please help these 3 kids with Christmas during this time of unimaginable tragedy ~via @sweetlipslover
Lansing Murder-Suicide: Christine Keith, Blogger Of 'Adventures Of A Thrifty Momma,' And Son Killed By Randy Keith In Michigan Here is the link to donate... When I posted last night we had raised: $56.00 Now, 12pm the next day we are...
Influencer Marketing Discussion Hosted by @BryanKramer with @TamiCann
Influencer Marketing Discussion Hosted by Bryan Kramer, CEO, PureMatter with Tami Cannizzaro, VP Marketing, IBM and Ted Rubin, Author, Return on Relationship at The CMO Club Innovation Summit in LA 10/8/13
BE Authentic, don’t just ACT it ~via @InsideCXM
November 22 2013 // Customer Insights Astro-turfing, the practice of simulating behavior from imaginary grassroots participants, is getting a lot of publicity lately. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the discussion has been all about whether it is ok to do it from a...
Ted Rubin, Return on Relationship Interview on @TheCMOclub TV
Ted Rubin, Social Marketing Strategist, Keynote Speaker, and Band Evangelist interviewed by world renown producer Gary Goldstein at The CMO Club Innovation and Inspiration Summit, Oct, 2013
Join @IBM for the @Brand_Innovator Content Marketing Summit Livestream! #bisummit
IBM will be providing you with a live stream of Thursday’s Brand Innovators summit on content marketing - one of the fastest growing segments of the digital media industry. Whether you’re in on the action live at IBM’s offices in New York City or not, you can...
It’s Time to Mobilize Millions to be @Champions4Kids… #HelpKidsThrive Who Is Champions for Kids? Mission Champions for Kids makes it simple to give kids in your community the resources they need to thrive! General Information Packet Vision People care about the future of our children and they will help. The only...
It's Time to Mobilize Millions to be @Champions4Kids… #HelpKidsThrive Who Is Champions for Kids? Mission Champions for Kids makes it simple to give kids in your community the resources they need to thrive! General Information Packet Vision People care about the future of our children and they will help. The only...
Cause Marketing: It’s All About Planning & Relationships
Originally posted by me at... Champions for Kids Cause marketing in the digital age has never been easier (or harder). In one sense, there are a plethora of social platforms that offer a seemingly endless audience. On the other hand, managing campaigns across social...
Cause Marketing: It’s All About Planning & Relationships
Originally posted by me at... Champions for Kids Cause marketing in the digital age has never been easier (or harder). In one sense, there are a plethora of social platforms that offer a seemingly endless audience. On the other hand, managing campaigns across social...