Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinAdam Cohen (@dadarocks) & Ted Rubin discuss ROI and ROR at BlogWorldExpo (Video)
Adam Cohen and Ted Rubin discuss ROI and ROR Director of Marketing and Social Media at J&R Jr. and CEO of Adam Cohen and Collective Bias Chief Social Marketing Officer Ted Rubin sit down to discuss ROI and ROR in the SocialChorus lounge at BlogWorld....
Adam Cohen (@dadarocks) & Ted Rubin discuss ROI and ROR at BlogWorldExpo (Video)
Adam Cohen and Ted Rubin discuss ROI and ROR Director of Marketing and Social Media at J&R Jr. and CEO of Adam Cohen and Collective Bias Chief Social Marketing Officer Ted Rubin sit down to discuss ROI and ROR in the SocialChorus lounge at BlogWorld....
Adam Cohen (@dadarocks) & Ted Rubin discuss ROI and ROR at BlogWorldExpo (Video)
Adam Cohen and Ted Rubin discuss ROI and ROR Director of Marketing and Social Media at J&R Jr. and CEO of Adam Cohen and Collective Bias Chief Social Marketing Officer Ted Rubin sit down to discuss ROI and ROR in the SocialChorus lounge at BlogWorld....
Social Engagement: Talk with Everybody, or Concentrate on a Few: What’s Best?
A while back I commented on Aaron Biebert’s blog post, Why @Garyvee Should NOT Stop Tweeting at His Groupies, where he discusses the pros and cons of trying to interact with a million followers (read my comments here, and below). Aaron was of the opinion that rather...
A Father’s Day message to my daughters…
No man can possibly know what life means, what the world means, what anything means, until he has children and loves them. And then the whole universe changes and nothing will ever again seem exactly as it seemed before. In my eyes… that goes double for having...
A Father's Day message to my daughters…
No man can possibly know what life means, what the world means, what anything means, until he has children and loves them. And then the whole universe changes and nothing will ever again seem exactly as it seemed before. In my eyes… that goes double for having...
Being There for My Daughters (My Father’s Day Guest Post via @meganrosker)
My Guest post at Let Children Play. Thanks for the feature Meg. Love what you are doing at Let Children Play 🙂 June 15, 2012 By Ted Rubin As a divorced dad, I am constantly focused on involvement and presence. Don’t be left out of your kids’ lives, I...
Being There for My Daughters (My Father's Day Guest Post via @meganrosker)
My Guest post at Let Children Play. Thanks for the feature Meg. Love what you are doing at Let Children Play 🙂 June 15, 2012 By Ted Rubin As a divorced dad, I am constantly focused on involvement and presence. Don’t be left out of your kids’ lives, I...
Return on Relationship™ — Understanding The Social Shopper (Video)
Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer and author of the upcoming book "Return on Relationship", sits down with Ramon B. Nuez Jr., Editorial Director of Crowdsourcing Week, to talk about understanding the social shopper. Today shoppers are researching brands and...
Blogging 101: How to Build Relationships Online and Why It’s Important (Thanks @JManMillerBug)
Blogging 101: How to Build Relationships Online and Why It’s Important JUNE 10, 2012 BY JEANNETTE LEAVE A COMMENT So, I know it’s been a little while since I’ve brought you blogging tips. But I picked up so many at Reviewer’s Retreat in Concord, NC last weekend that...
Return on Relationship™: What are the Biggest Social Media Mistakes (Video)
Published on Jun 8, 2012 by CollectiveBiasROR Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer for Collective Bias and author of the upcoming book "Return on Relationship", sits down with Ramon B. Nuez Jr., Editorial Director of Crowdsourcing Week, and discusses the...
Some One-Liner (Tweets) I Pomised my “Reviewer’s Retreat” Friends
Thank you for making me feel so welcome at Reviewer's Retreat! Please feel free to use these Tweets in any way you see fit. Be aware a few need to be edited (shortened) to get the best effect on Twitter. There are many more where these came from so feel free to reach...
Some One-Liner (Tweets) I Pomised my "Reviewer's Retreat" Friends
Thank you for making me feel so welcome at Reviewer's Retreat! Please feel free to use these Tweets in any way you see fit. Be aware a few need to be edited (shortened) to get the best effect on Twitter. There are many more where these came from so feel free to reach...
Some One-Liner (Tweets) I Pomised my "Reviewer's Retreat" Friends
Thank you for making me feel so welcome at Reviewer's Retreat! Please feel free to use these Tweets in any way you see fit. Be aware a few need to be edited (shortened) to get the best effect on Twitter. There are many more where these came from so feel free to reach...
Are Your Customers Lying to You? How Can You REALLY Tell What They’re Thinking?
In John Nosta’s Thinkology blog post, “The Fundamental Marketing Dilemma: Language is a Lie,” he discusses books like Malcom Gladwell’s Blink and Tor Norretranders’s The User Illusion, which explore the ideas of how we perceive things. These authors assert that...
Why It’s Good You’re Wired To Screw Up Sometimes.
Dan Waldschmidt an ordinary dude with an outrageous vision... Website: Twitter: DanWaldo No one wants to hurt. It's painful getting back up from a skinned knee, a failed job interview, or a missed promotion. You don't want...
Why It's Good You're Wired To Screw Up Sometimes.
Dan Waldschmidt an ordinary dude with an outrageous vision... Website: Twitter: DanWaldo No one wants to hurt. It's painful getting back up from a skinned knee, a failed job interview, or a missed promotion. You don't want...
Want More from Social? Empower Your Employees as Brand Advocates/Evangelists!
Brands have it tough these days. Many are trying to make the “social leap,” but are still stuck in the traditional marketing thought process of “controlling the message.” It can be a bit hard to switch gears, especially when Madison Avenue still feeds us the same old...
Return On Relationship™ — Why Are Executives Afraid of Social Media (Video)
Uploaded by CollectiveBiasROR on June 1, 2012 Home Page: ---- @ramonbnuezjr: Ted and I discuss why executives are fearful of social media. Ted explains that it's as simple as c-level executives not understanding social. And this stems...
When Relationships Go South: Dealing with Negative Fallout Online
After my post on Relationship Killers, I received a great comment from Zach Rosenberg, who brings up another relationship killer—telling the customer they’re full of beans. Here’s what he had to say: One of the relationship killers I’ve been seeing a lot is brands...
IWNY Stage – Brand Recognition vs Killer Content Panel – Thurs, May 17
Internet Week NY 2012 - Panel discussion "Brand Recognition vs Killer Content" with Susan Newman (Moderator) and panelists, Miriam Cohen, Ted Rubin, Kathryn Rose, Bryn Johnson on May 17, 2012 at 82 Mercer Street headquarters, NYC.
Return on Relationship — What is the Future of Social… with @ramonbnuezjr
Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and author of upcoming book Return On Relationship, sits down with Ramon Nuez to discuss the future of Social Media. "Everybody has to have an eye for the future," according to Ted. Collective Bias uses...
Don’t Wait for Holidays to Make People Feel Special
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day brings back a lot of memories for parents of teens and grown children, and sometimes those memories can be lessons for business relationships as well—namely, don’t wait for holidays! A friend told me recently that her eldest...
Social Shopper Trends – May 2012… via @Katadhin
View more presentations from John Andrews + Follow Social Shopper Trends - May 2012 by John Andrews on May 12, 2012 Social media is rapidly evolving and new platforms are being introduced almost daily it seems. Here’s a simple overview of some smart tactics being...
My Mother’s Day post for @FamilyFoodie’s #SundaySupper
Originally posted at It’s All About Relationships this Mother’s Day #SundaySupper Mother's Day was always a special day in my family. Not so much for "honoring" Mom, but more as an extended family day when we all gathered at our house to celebrate...
My Mother's Day post for @FamilyFoodie's #SundaySupper
Originally posted at It’s All About Relationships this Mother’s Day #SundaySupper Mother's Day was always a special day in my family. Not so much for "honoring" Mom, but more as an extended family day when we all gathered at our house to celebrate...
Return On Relationship: The Importance of Social Media to Customer Service
Published on May 8, 2012 by CollectiveBiasROR Home Page: ---- Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and author of upcoming book "Return on Relationship," discusses the importance of social media to customer service...
Relationship Killers: Four of the WORST Mistakes Brands Make in Social Media
The biggest goal for any brand delving into social media should be to develop quality, productive relationships. That’s the bottom line. However, many brands still “don’t get it,” and consistently make mistakes that are damaging to them in social media and...
Social Shopper Media Case Studies — Interview with Ted Rubin of @CollectiveBias
Shopper Media Case Studies -- Interview with Ted Rubin, Collective Bias Via: Peter Propp, a strategy and marketing consultant based in Westport, CT. Ted Rubin is back on 10MinuteStrategy with case studies from Collective Bias engagements with 3 great consumer...
Social Commerce is Relationship Commerce
We’re hearing more and more about “Social Commerce” these days – but how many of us actually understand its implications? I’ve spent years in the midst of the evolution of commerce: As traditional commerce shifted into a digital world, becoming e-commerce, and now...