Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinSocial Commerce is Relationship Commerce
We’re hearing more and more about “Social Commerce” these days – but how many of us actually understand its implications? I’ve spent years in the midst of the evolution of commerce: As traditional commerce shifted into a digital world, becoming e-commerce, and now...
Social Commerce is Relationship Commerce
We’re hearing more and more about “Social Commerce” these days – but how many of us actually understand its implications? I’ve spent years in the midst of the evolution of commerce: As traditional commerce shifted into a digital world, becoming e-commerce, and now...
Return On Relationship — How Companies Use Social to Engage
Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and author of the soon to be released book Return On Relationship, with Ramon Nuez his co-host for this weekly chat, describes how companies currently use social media. From how to engage new and old...
Twitter basics… In My Humble Opinion
The mistakes I see being made is trying to measure Social engagement with the same tools we measure every other digital touch point. In my view email, search, even banner ads, have spoiled marketers into thinking everything can be and must be measured with the metrics...
Turn Unhappy Online Customers into Lifelong Fans… via @katkrose
Managing your online relationships isn’t always easy, but when it comes to your brand’s reputation, there are some steps you can take to protect it and turn unhappy customers into loyal fans As you or your brand becomes more engaged on the social channels, it is...
Crowdsourcing Week Interview for @CrowdWeek
Crowdsourcing Week Interview with Ted Rubin In the podcast Ramon B. Nuez Jr. of Crowdsourcing Week interviews Ted Rubin -- Chief Social Marketing Officer of Collective Bias. We discuss a number of topics which include Collective Bias and crowdsourcing.
Wanted: Women Leaders in Tech… via @KateTBerg
Guest Post by @KateTBerg, Kate Berg, President Collective Bias As a woman who has chosen a career in technology and, for the last decade or so has bootstrapped it in the mobile and social media sectors, I’ve gotten used to being one of the few, and sometimes, the...
Social Credibility—Your Relationship Insurance Policy… dedicated to #BewbLuv
This quote has taken on some special meaning for me today... "Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." ~Jane Howard We all need one... Return on Relationship is there for everyone when...
Are You Too Comfortable to Grow? Break out of that Mindset!
Most of us spend our lives trying to “get comfortable and stay comfortable.” We want a roof over our heads, enough food to eat, a decent car to drive, and enough money that we don’t have to worry about the next mortgage payment. That’s just who we are as human beings....
King of Twitter at @Hispanicize 2012: “There is no social media without women”
King of Twitter at Hispanicize 2012: “There is no social media without women” Originally posted April 17, 2012 By Hispanicize By Elaine de Valle, Hispanicize digital, @newschica Among the highlights of the Hispanicize 2012 conference was a standing ballroom-only crowd...
20 Important Twitter Goals and Objectives for Business
I just finished a great Twitter panel at the Amazing Hispanicize Conference and promised to post this follow-up before attending the evening cocktail festivities. So excited to be here with such engaged and interested attendees. Many are asking what ROI they can get...
Harnessing The Power of the Crowd for successful Social Marketing
10 Minute Strategy - Video insights and interviews for online & offline business strategy from Peter Propp I'm happy to have Ted Rubin back on 10MinuteStrategy. Ted is the Chief Social Marketing Officer for a very cool "Shopper Media" firm called Collective...
How to Look Someone in the Eye Digitally… via @30SecondMom
I met social media guru Ted Rubin, chief social media officer at Collective Bias, at the SheStreams conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I have been connected to Ted through social media for a couple of years, but had never met him in person. First of all, meeting him...
Be Good To People and Just Be Nice
I am a big believer that doing good, and just being nice to people, begets good treatment in return (part of that "Return" on Relationship)... for the most part. Therefore there is a return, just not necessarily from a particular act or specific relationship. I am not...
Learn to Savor the Moments—and Help Your Customers Do the Same
You’ve heard the old adage “Stop to smell the roses,” right? Well, I’ve come to learn that when life hands you those “moments,” it’s best to slow down, savor them and commit them to memory. They only come around once! And when you make a conscious effort to put...
Dads, Let’s Mentor Our Daughters to be Future Tech Leaders
Guest Post by @Katadhin, John Andrews, Founder/CEO Collective Bias Look at the current crop of emerging technology companies and you’ll see many similarities like leverage of the social graph and disruption of media channels as we currently know them. They also have... 21 | Ted Rubin of Collective Bias
Uploaded by breakbumperTV Ramon Nuez and Zev Mo and I take a rainy NYC afternoon and talk to Ted Rubin about the social landscape. We talk about a number of topics -- Collective bias (, the unfollow etiquette, G+ and we even have a quick... 21 | Ted Rubin of Collective Bias
Uploaded by breakbumperTV Ramon Nuez and Zev Mo and I take a rainy NYC afternoon and talk to Ted Rubin about the social landscape. We talk about a number of topics -- Collective bias (, the unfollow etiquette, G+ and we even have a quick...
Return on Relationship ™ Discussion with Joe Hage, @MedicalMarcom
Uploaded by MedicalMarcom on Mar 26, 2012 Ted Rubin, author of the upcoming book, Return on Relationship ™, sits with his friend Joe to share how his principles can be applied to the medical device industry....
The Problem Lies in us Calling it “Social Media”
I keep seeing articles prognosticating the "death" or waning of Social Media… puhleeeeease! The problem lies in us calling it “Social Media” instead of recognizing it as an evolution in communication and relationships. We are only scratching the surface here of the...
Jeremy Epstein, of @Sprinklr, Interviews me at #SXSW… Look them in the Eye Digitally
Uploaded by sprinklrvideo on Mar 23, 2012 by @jer979 Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias ( shares his thoughts on what it takes for large enterprises and brands to successfully make the transition to social. From...
Let’s all Skip
Need to lower the stress from a frustrating workday or find a way to put yourself in that “happy” place? Learn from children and skip. I’m not kidding! It might sound silly, but it really isn’t. The act of skipping (with or without a rope) involves both sides of the...
Let's all Skip
Need to lower the stress from a frustrating workday or find a way to put yourself in that “happy” place? Learn from children and skip. I’m not kidding! It might sound silly, but it really isn’t. The act of skipping (with or without a rope) involves both sides of the...
Brett Clay, @SellingChange, Interviews Ted Rubin before #MarketMix
What is Your Return on Relationship? Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and the author of the upcoming book, “Return on Relationship”, discusses current marketing trends including: what is “return on relationship, mistakes many marketers are...
How it began for me… and where it’s going.
In 1997 I was looking for something exciting and new and was determined to move back to NY from South Florida and get back into the action. I decided this new thing called the “Internet” was the way to go. I read an article about Seth Godin and since he mentioned he...
How it began for me… and where it's going.
In 1997 I was looking for something exciting and new and was determined to move back to NY from South Florida and get back into the action. I decided this new thing called the “Internet” was the way to go. I read an article about Seth Godin and since he mentioned he...
Ted Rubin on Getting Hired: How To Make The Cut via @NEXTforWomen
Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and the #1 most-followed CMO on Twitter, speaks with NEXT for Women about getting hired and how to make the cut. Ted wants to hire people who are proactive and aggressive, have some social media smarts,...
Ted Rubin on Building Relationships With Social Media via @NEXTforWomen
NEXT for Women Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and the #1 most-followed CMO on Twitter, speaks with NEXT for Women about building relationships using social media. Ted is a leading social marketing strategist and in March 2009 started...
SXSW… So Much to Do, So Little Time
You have been hearing about it for so long and finally the time has come… off to Austin for the “event” of events, SXSW. What will it be like, where do I go, what can’t I miss? It can be overwhelming. For me, and for many others, the most successful approach is to...
Pay it Forward: Give a Child a Shot@Life… via @ShotAtLife
Originally posted at Shot@Life Last month I took my daughters, 15 and 17 years old on vacation to Mexico. It was our first time spending a whole week away together at a resort. As a divorced dad, I’ve learned to value every minute I get to spend with my girls. Whether...