Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinTami Cannizzaro interviews Ted Rubin for @TheCMOClub: CMO's & Social Media
Interview at IBM Smarter Commerce Global Summit September 2012 Tami Cannizzaro, Executive Director of Marketing at IBM interviews Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias on how CMOs should personally approach social media. Great insights on how...
Tami Cannizzaro interviews Ted Rubin for @TheCMOClub: CMO's & Social Media
Interview at IBM Smarter Commerce Global Summit September 2012 Tami Cannizzaro, Executive Director of Marketing at IBM interviews Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias on how CMOs should personally approach social media. Great insights on how...
Twitter for Sharing and Syndication
Many misunderstand the current power and relevant scale of Twitter. It is not about how Twitter has scaled to the general public. The most important thing about News, Content, and anything else published via Twitter, is that a great deal of the influencer community...
What Are You Doing to Connect Women with Your Brand/Product/Service?
What is happening now, as more women spend more time on more social networking sites for more reasons, is that women’s purchasing power now goes well beyond the purse … into women’s relationships. Consider how important relationships are in social commerce, and you...
Smarter Commerce Conversations – Ted Rubin, Collective Bias at #IBMSCGS
Published on Sep 10, 2012 by smartercommerce Todd "Turbo" Watson (blogger and tech evangelist) talks with Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer, Collective Bias. Ted discusses Return on Relationship™ and the importance of social media in all business efforts....
What I Think About on Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur, known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. For me, not being a religious person but more of a cultural Jew, it is more a day of counting my blessings and giving thanks for the well-being of those I love. In that...
Ted Rubin on Why Women Rock ~via @NEXTforWomen
Published on Sep 7, 2012 by nextforwomen Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and the #1 most-followed CMO on Twitter, speaks with NEXT for Women about why women rock. Ted states that women rock because they have a true passion for the items...
Ted Rubin Interview at IBM Smarter Commerce Global Summit 2012
Published on Sep 18, 2012 by servedfreshmedia We had the pleasure of speaking with Ted Rubin (Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and Author of "Return on Relationships") at the IBM Smarter Commerce Global Summit 2012 Orlando. After his panel on...
Author Ted Rubin on Measuring Social Media Efforts ~via @BizBash_Events
Originally posted at BIZBASH By Mitra Sorrells | Posted September 14, 2012 Ted Rubin believes in the power of social...
Ted Rubin of Collective Bias on Why Twitter Is THE Social Media for Networking ~via @NEXTforWomen
Published on Sep 7, 2012 by nextforwomen Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and the #1 most-followed CMO on Twitter, speaks with NEXT for Women about the importance of beginning to tweet. He states that Twitter is the most valuable networking...
The Social Path to Purchase… ~via @CollectiveBias
The Collective Bias influencer community creates shopper content By Stuart Feil September 10 2012 ADWEEK Shopping is, by its very nature, a social activity—people always want to know what other people are buying or discuss what they’ve bought themselves with friends...
Ted Rubin of Collective Bias on Teaching Kids How To Learn ~via NEXT for Women
Published on Sep 7, 2012 by nextforwomen Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and the #1 most-followed CMO on Twitter, speaks with NEXT for Women about teaching kids how to learn. Ted states that children need time to play and achieve. Play...
Ted Rubin of Collective Bias on Why Follower Quantity is Irrelevant (Video)
Published on Sep 7, 2012 by nextforwomen Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and the #1 most-followed CMO on Twitter, speaks with NEXT for Women about the quality vs. quantity of twitter followers. Ted states that if quantity is quality, then...
Relationship Building on Social Platforms
So can you maintain meaningful relationships with thousands of people at a time? No, but every touch is important, no matter how small. Think of it this way… individual touches are like relationship seeds. You have a much better likelihood of reaping a good...
It’s not social, It’s human… via @tamicann
Tami has become a good friend since we met at The CMO Club. She is one of those rare marketers from the traditional marketing world who really "gets it." Happy to have her on board. ~Ted Rubin Originally posted at Digital Age of Marketing by Tami Cannizzaro, IBM...
Collective Bias – Power to Influence
Published on Sep 4, 2012 by CollectiveBiasTV Collective Bias is a content marketing company that weaves organic social content into real-life stories to create millions of impressions, drive organic SEO and ultimately sales for brands and retailers like Starbucks,...
ROR (#RonR), Return on Relationship™… what is that?
Facebook fans, retweets, site visits, video views, positive ratings and vibrant communities are not measureable financial assets—they aren’t reflected on the balance sheet and can’t be counted on an income statement—but that doesn’t mean they are valueless. ...
Return on Relationship™ at the core of IBM’s Smarter Commerce Global Summit #IBMSCGS
One of the central themes of this conference, and of IBM’s Smarter Commerce initiative more generally, is that relationships matter: it’s not about just paying lip service to the abstract idea of relationships (something that lots of companies do), but about really...
What is the Future of (Social) sCommerce?
Pinterest now drives more click-throughs than Facebook and Twitter combined despite having a fraction of their user base. What’s driving this phenomenon? A combination of participation and inspiration. Pinterest is the canary in the coal-mine for two huge converging...
Best Practices in Social Media 2012, #SMLAwards
I’m proud to officially announce my participation as a judge in the Social Media Leadership Awards. The competition has already drawn entries from numerous industries and organizations demonstrating an out of the box approach in using social media to overcome...
Our Children, they DO remember…
Was with my 15 year old taking her to field hockey practice this morning (love chatting with her on the way to things like this so volunteer whenever I can to pick her up) and stopped at Dunkin' Donuts on the way (our Dad/Daughter thing). I mentioned taking her and a...
Stand out by “Liking” them before they “Like” you.
Want better Return on Relationship™? Don’t wait for customers/prospects to “Like” you… start “Liking” them! Inspire them to like you... There’s no lazy way out of this, folks. If you want the eyes and ears of consumers focused on you, then develop a “giver’s...
What if we did it this way?
If you get a chance, sit in on a young child’s birthday party or in an elementary school classroom and just watch them. Really watch them. What happens when new kids come into the room? They immediately run to the group and start interacting. If somebody’s building...
Defining Social Metrics
I talk often about ROR, Return on Relationship™(hashtag #RonR)… simply put the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple $’s and cents. ROR is the value (both perceived and real) that will accrue over time...
Is Social Blurring the Lines between Advertising and Marketing?
I get asked this question a lot: What’s the difference between advertising and marketing, and how do they pertain to social media? But really, advertising is a subset of marketing. Marketing is defined as the integrated communications process through which...
Listening to Me or Doing Something Else?
Social skills have suffered a great deal not necessarily due to "social media" per-say, but because of all the electronics we all carry and are addicted to in our daily lives. It did not used to be so easy to ignore people and seem disinterested because there was not...
Inspiring Olympics Leaves me Pondering Lost “Social” Opportunity for Brands
Love Tami Cannizzaro's Tapping into the Human Spirit post, and feel so much the same way about all that we were honored to watch, think about, imagine, and internalize at the London Summer Olympic Games. In particular I thought the US Olympic Women totally...
Inspiring Olympics Leaves me Pondering Lost "Social" Opportunity for Brands
Love Tami Cannizzaro's Tapping into the Human Spirit post, and feel so much the same way about all that we were honored to watch, think about, imagine, and internalize at the London Summer Olympic Games. In particular I thought the US Olympic Women totally...
Inspiring Olympics Leaves me Pondering Lost "Social" Opportunity for Brands
Love Tami Cannizzaro's Tapping into the Human Spirit post, and feel so much the same way about all that we were honored to watch, think about, imagine, and internalize at the London Summer Olympic Games. In particular I thought the US Olympic Women totally...
Familiar Balancing Acts: Conversations with the Women We Know Best ~via my niece @emmarsr
Emma is my niece. She is a wonderful, loving, brilliant, inspirational woman. She is really interested in hearing responses from women of all generations, please read the post and comment here or at HUFF POST. Thank you! Originally at HUFF POST WOMEN 08/15/2012...