Straight Talk Blog

Ted Rubin

Author Ted Rubin on Measuring Social Media Efforts ~via @BizBash_Events

                                                                                                                                                        Originally posted at BIZBASH By Mitra Sorrells | Posted September 14, 2012 Ted Rubin believes in the power of social...

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Our Children, they DO remember…

Our Children, they DO remember…

Was with my 15 year old taking her to field hockey practice this morning (love chatting with her on the way to things like this so volunteer whenever I can to pick her up) and stopped at Dunkin' Donuts on the way (our Dad/Daughter thing). I mentioned taking her and a...

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Reap the Rewards

  Brands, Companies, Marketers who take the time to understand, test, and use social as a relationship building tool (and way of doing business) will ultimately reap the rewards that come along with customer satisfaction and appreciation, improved brand...

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