Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinMom Bloggers / Dad Bloggers: Conversation with Ted Rubin [video]
Watch the 26th Episode of the Marketing Mash video series featuring Ted Rubin. Listen to this highly intriguing yet light-hearted conversation about mom bloggers versus dad bloggers. Ted and Eric also discuss the reach that mom bloggers have – building content,...
Ted Rubin Talks About Brand Advocacy [Video] ~ via @MarketingScope
Watch this video recording taken straight from the Brand Advocacy Summit 2015. Ted Rubin talks about brand advocacy, what it means to him, best practices and real-life examples in brand advocacy. Learn about successful strategies and programs around brand advocacy and...
Interview: Ted Rubin – Social Media Influencer & Keynote Speaker ~ via @SimpleBlissMag
BY LISA DINON ON SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 Ted Rubin and I “met” back in 2010 via social media and Ted’s extraordinary personality and commitment to establishing and maintaining connections is what has made him who he is today. His “Return on Relationship” theory of engaging...
Interview: Ted Rubin – Social Media Influencer & Keynote Speaker ~ via @SimpleBlissMag
BY LISA DINON ON SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 Ted Rubin and I “met” back in 2010 via social media and Ted’s extraordinary personality and commitment to establishing and maintaining connections is what has made him who he is today. His “Return on Relationship” theory of engaging...
Interview: Ted Rubin – Social Media Influencer & Keynote Speaker ~ via @SimpleBlissMag
BY LISA DINON ON SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 Ted Rubin and I “met” back in 2010 via social media and Ted’s extraordinary personality and commitment to establishing and maintaining connections is what has made him who he is today. His “Return on Relationship” theory of engaging...
Build Trust and #JustBeNice (Infographic) ~Thanks @InfoGraphicTeam
Created by
Ted Rubin Talks About #NoLetUp (what is it?) with @BryanKramer [video]
Originally posted by Bryan Kramer here...
How one Tweet can lead to a #RonR… #NoLetUp Blab with Anyone!
HOW ONE TWEET CAN CREATE AWESOME OPPORTUNITIES! ~Originally posted at by Samantha Kelly Samantha Kelly: Twitter has changed my whole life! I have created a business from it’s existence, I’ve met some amazing people on my journey and connected with...
Ted Rubin – Conversation is Content ~ via @dougforesta
In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How to get more engagement with your content A powerful way to create relevant content How to keep creating content your market will love A mindset shift to help increase your marketing effectiveness Tips From The Episode: Periscope...
2 Core Reasons Why Businesses Fail At Social ~via @socialfresh
There are several reasons why I think businesses hamstring their social efforts. 1. Companies Fear Social, Fear the Permanence of the Web First, there’s an overriding, if misguided, pressure to get things “perfect” on social, which is sometimes used as an excuse to...
How to Drive Your Best Employees to the Competition
Today’s job market is recession-weary and hyper-competitive, with a flood of potential employees for every open position. To many employers, it might seem that the odds are stacked in their favor. They can afford to be choosy, demand more and offer less. After all,...
How Zappos So Easily Turned a #FAIL into a Big Win
So unfortunate to see ads, from brands I respect, that are such #FAILS. Good idea, I have been writing about hiking for when I am in Pine, AZ and was even interested in these shoes (so clicked on the ad), so "good Job" of matchmaking Facebook... BUT who ever created...
#Hashtags are the New Water-Cooler
A social contact, reached out the other day and asked me my opinion about Hashtags for a presentation she is doing. This is my reply... Savvy people/marketers who want their content/conversation about a topic, or idea/ideal available in one place, create a hashtag and...
Lighten Up… Millennials are Not That Scary!
If you Google the term “Millennials,” you’ll come up with about 13 million results, with titles all over the map: The Impact of Millennials Millennials Too Good for Gap but Love Walmart 15 Economic Facts About Millennials Millennials’ Banking Habits Could Make Wall...
Ted Rubin from SXSW 2015 On A #NewWayToWork ~via @IBMSocialBiz
Published by IBM Social Business on Jul 14, 2015 Return on Relationship, #RonR, expert Ted Rubin speaks with IBM and SocialMediaToday about a new way to work at SXSW 2015. Topics include the workplace in 10 years, most significant impact on the future of work, the...
How Ted Rubin Learned to Always Be Connecting [video] ~ via @MarketingScope
Hear Ted talk on social media, brand advocacy and how he got started in marketing. Watch Episode 22 of our Marketing Mash video series to learn how Social Marketing Strategist Ted Rubin got his start in social media and marketing, and what his tactics are for always...
Customers to Brands: #WSILTY (Why Should I Listen To You?)
The words “customer experience” and “engagement” are being bandied about a lot lately, and new tools are being created every day to supposedly help brands bridge the gap between engagement and sales. But let’s not get the cart before the horse. Before you go out and...
Start taking time to THINK… start TODAY!
So little value is put on "THINKING" these days because everything is moving so fast we have become a reactive society. Start taking time to THINK... start TODAY! And when incredulously asked what you are doing when sitting there appearing to do nothing, tell them...
Why ABC “Always Be Closing” Needs to Change
You’ve heard the words behind the ABC acronym before – Always Be Closing, as the popular interpretation goes. For some, it’s a mission statement, even a way of life. But what does it really mean? All of the emphasis in this version of ABC points to closing. The sale...
Why ABC "Always Be Closing" Needs to Change
You’ve heard the words behind the ABC acronym before – Always Be Closing, as the popular interpretation goes. For some, it’s a mission statement, even a way of life. But what does it really mean? All of the emphasis in this version of ABC points to closing. The sale...
Why ABC "Always Be Closing" Needs to Change
You’ve heard the words behind the ABC acronym before – Always Be Closing, as the popular interpretation goes. For some, it’s a mission statement, even a way of life. But what does it really mean? All of the emphasis in this version of ABC points to closing. The sale...
Thought Leader Life… with Guest Ted Rubin ~via @happyabout
Our co-host for the month of May is Martin Jones (@martinjonesaz) and one of our guests for May was Ted Rubin (@TedRubin). In this episode, Mitchell Levy and this month’s co-host, Martin Jones, senior marketing manager at Cox Communications, continue their discussion...
Ted Talks About… Empower Your Employees and They Will Power Your Brand, #RonR
The Adaptive Marketer Interview of Ted Rubin
Gerardo A Dada Interview with Ted Rubin the Worlds Most Followed CMO This is the second in a series of interviews of marketing leaders and CMOs that I respect and admire. Today I am honored to interview Ted Rubin, one of the most forward-thinking and influential...
Turning Disengaged Employees into Advocates
According to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, a whopping 52% of employees today are disengaged (less emotionally connected to their work and less compelled to put forth extra effort). Only 30% of employees actually love what they do and are deeply...
Looking People in the Eye Digitally [video] at @SDLinnovate
Technology is moving at such a fast pace that we struggle to keep up. The last few decades of marketing tactics have made us lazy “communicators. Ted re-introduces us to the one-on-one communication skills we’ve forgotten in our rush to new technologies, like social...
Ted Talks About… Brands, #RonR [video]
Bringing #JustBeNice to the Workplace
I wear a T-shirt when I travel that says “Be Good to People,” thanks to Kris Wittenberg’sgenerosity of spirit, and #JustBeNice (Twitter handle @Just_B_Nice) is something I talk about a lot, and do my best to live by.” It’s not only a personal mantra of mine, but a...
Social ROI: Don’t Make These Mistakes and Lose Return on Relationship ~via @SproutSocial
A month ago I wrote a post for Sprout Social about Social ROI and how the key to that is Return on Relationship, ROR (#RonR)… simply put the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple $’s and cents. ROR is the value (both...
Looking People In The Eye Digitally, Ted Rubin Interview ~ via @PhoebeChongchua
Ted Rubin is helping brands look their customers in the eye digitally. He shares how to really connect with customers online through quality relationships & engagement. Looking people in the eye digitally grows your brand. Ted Rubin is a leading Social Marketing...