Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinROR — Companies Must Foster Creativity
Published on Aug 13, 2012 by CollectiveBiasROR Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer and author of the upcoming book "Return on Relationship", sits down with Ramon B. Nuez Jr., Editorial Director for Crowdsourcing Week, to discuss the importance of...
Two Road Warriors drop the ball in Boston, but Social comes to the Rescue!
I travel frequently, but my partner, and the Founder of Collective Bias John Andrews, is a true road warrior. He must spend as least 200 nights per year in hotels around the country, predominantly Hilton to which he is tremendously loyal. We recently discovered the...
Marketing Lessons from Children: Listen for “Moments” — and Make it Personal
As marketers we think we’re all grown up, and that business has nothing to do with being personal. Like the pat excuse we’ve all heard when a business decision affects other people’s lives, “This isn’t personal, it’s a business decision.” It’s that kind of thinking...
Reap the Rewards
Brands, Companies, Marketers who take the time to understand, test, and use social as a relationship building tool (and way of doing business) will ultimately reap the rewards that come along with customer satisfaction and appreciation, improved brand...
ROR — Companies Must Allow Employees To Use Social
Published on Aug 2, 2012 by CollectiveBiasROR Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer and author of the upcoming book "Return on Relationship", sits down with Ramon Nuez Jr., Editorial Director of Crowdsourcing Week, to discuss companies that do not let their...
Social Media Value = Thinking Beyond the Campaign
In looking at the way most agencies are handling social, it’s obvious that they’re still stuck in “campaign land” when it comes to working within social platforms. This misses the whole idea of what social is all about in terms of engagement and long-term...
Social Media Value = Thinking Beyond the Campaign
In looking at the way most agencies are handling social, it’s obvious that they’re still stuck in “campaign land” when it comes to working within social platforms. This misses the whole idea of what social is all about in terms of engagement and long-term...
Twitter/Social and Small Business
Twitter has not been readily accepted as a small business tool yet but there are those who are having a great deal of success using it in many ways. So why should small business be using social media at all? The most prominent reasons are responding to customer...
If you are only focused on the Money, you risk completely overlooking the People
I was with a senior marketing executive from a major retailer recently and we got into an hour long conversation about Return on Relationship™, my philosophy, and what it means to me. He was incredibly interested personally and for his company, is a very...
Message to Businesses: Change Your Framework—Change Your Future
Originally posted at IBM Smarter Commerce... Redefining commerce in the age of the customer. A comment by Dino Dogan on my post regarding Scaling Social Messaging got me thinking recently. He said: “Businesses try to force-fit their own framework onto the...
You Can Make a Difference So Easily Now Thanks to @ShotAtLife & #Blogust
Published on Jul 24, 2012 by detroitmommies Ted Rubin talks about Shot@Life #Blogust and what the program is doing to help children get a shot at life by providing them with the immunizations they need to survive... and what we can do to help . Blogust is a...
You Can Make a Difference So Easily Now Thanks to @ShotAtLife & #Blogust
Published on Jul 24, 2012 by detroitmommies Ted Rubin talks about Shot@Life #Blogust and what the program is doing to help children get a shot at life by providing them with the immunizations they need to survive... and what we can do to help . Blogust is a...
You Can Make a Difference So Easily Now Thanks to @ShotAtLife & #Blogust
Published on Jul 24, 2012 by detroitmommies Ted Rubin talks about Shot@Life #Blogust and what the program is doing to help children get a shot at life by providing them with the immunizations they need to survive... and what we can do to help . Blogust is a...
State of Now #140conf NYC 2012: Ted Rubin, “Moments” (video)
Here is your Moments presentation from #140conf12. If you decide to post the video, please include a link to and the #140conf12 hashtag. Thanks for being a part of #140conf12. It was great to have you.
State of Now #140conf NYC 2012: Ted Rubin, "Moments" (video)
Here is your Moments presentation from #140conf12. If you decide to post the video, please include a link to and the #140conf12 hashtag. Thanks for being a part of #140conf12. It was great to have you.
State of Now #140conf NYC 2012: Ted Rubin, "Moments" (video)
Here is your Moments presentation from #140conf12. If you decide to post the video, please include a link to and the #140conf12 hashtag. Thanks for being a part of #140conf12. It was great to have you.
Brand Advocacy: The Social Alchemy of Turning Relationships to Gold
Posted originally at OpenView Labs Every social marketer wants to turn followers into fanatics. With strong brand advocacy, your fans and followers shout your company’s praises — and products — to everyone they’re connected to. Learn how to acquire brand advocates...
Marketing Made Simple TV featuring Ted Rubin… via @fearlesscomp
Marketing Made Simple TV featuring Ted Rubin, social media maven and author of Return on Relationship from Jeffrey Ogden on Vimeo. Using our new high resolution software, this is the highest quality show ever for Marketing Made Simple TV. In this show, Ted Rubin...
Marketing Made Simple TV featuring Ted Rubin… via @fearlesscomp
Marketing Made Simple TV featuring Ted Rubin, social media maven and author of Return on Relationship from Jeffrey Ogden on Vimeo. Using our new high resolution software, this is the highest quality show ever for Marketing Made Simple TV. In this show, Ted Rubin...
The power of Pinterest… a resource list on Pinterest usage and the power of the platform.
4 Suggestions for Building User-Generated Content… ~via @CrowdWeek
Every business needs content in order to be found in search, and to differentiate them from the competition. Without quality, helpful content (and lots of it), you’re lost in a school of fish that are all the same color. Who’s going to find you? Who’s going to...
A Secret to Innovation: Childlike Imagination
Need inspiration to do a better job of marketing, collaborating and growing a better future for your business? Then observe your kids (or somebody else’s kids if yours are grown). The kind of imagination we had as children tends to get put away as we grow...
ROR, Return on Relationship™ — Contact Management
Published on Jul 12, 2012 by CollectiveBiasROR Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and author of the upcoming book "Return on Relationship", sits down with Ramon B. Nuez Jr., Editorial Director of Crowdsourcing Week, to discuss how to manage...
Be Yourself on a Sales Call… via @iannarino
Guest Post S. Anthony Iannarino Catalyst. Instigator. Agitator. Website: Twitter: iannarino You have to be a professional salesperson if you are going to create and win opportunities. You must also be a value creator. You have to be...
Return on Relationship / Collective Bias videos… via @Listly
Return on Relationship / Collective Bias videos View more lists from Nick Kellet This list is a widget via and will refresh every time the page loads and anyone signs up and participates in the list on my site.
ROR: Return on Relationship™ — Will They Buy From Me
Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and author of the upcoming book "Return on Relationship", sits down with Ramon B. Nuez Jr., Editorial Director of Crowdsourcing Week, to discuss whether or not consumers actually buy from people and brands...
The 4th of July – “INDEPENDENCE DAY” – Declare Yours!
The thought of Independence Day brings to mind the economic environment we have experienced for the past few years as well as personal family challenges for me. Many of us go through our lives, day to day, thinking that our only recourse is to put our heads...
Want to Scale Social Messaging? Get Your Customers’ Help!
The social space is getting so crowded that brands have to work DOUBLY hard to achieve any kind of traction in social messaging. How do you develop awareness around your product or service when the stream is so busy you can’t get a word in edgewise? Here’s one...
Why in the World Would Anyone Think Bloggers Should Work for Free? (via @Katadhin)
Authored by John Andrews (@Katadhin) Try this, call Time Warner and tell them you’d like them to advertise your product on Franklin & Bash, Cooking Light and in People. Tell them it’s a really great new product and their audience will love it and that you’ll put...
ROR– The Importance Of Images In Social (Video)
Published on Jun 27, 2012 by CollectiveBiasROR Ted Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and author of the upcoming book "Return on Relationship", discusses the importance of using images in social with Ramon B. Nuez Jr., Editorial Director of...