Straight Talk Blog
Ted RubinDigital Marketing in 2022… Just Because You CAN
Much of the current spending in digital marketing is at the very bottom of the funnel. There are literally billions of dollars being spent to target the right consumer in the right place at the right time, and much of it is completely wasted due to a simple fact:...
John & Ted’s Excellent Adventure – The Dad 2.0 Podcast
In 2008, before the influencing Earth cooled, John Andrews and Ted Rubin came together over a radical new idea to involve bloggers in marketing campaigns. Their new book, Retail Relevancy, offers strategies based on 14 years of research, common sense, and lessons...
Businesses No Longer Have the Luxury of Compartmentalizing Customer Experience
Businesses no longer have the luxury of compartmentalizing the customer experience. Consumers have a multitude of ways to engage with a company. For example, by walking into a physical store, browsing a catalogue, visiting a website, using social media, and now......
LISTEN HERE ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ "An excerpt from Rockstar CMO episode 98 - when we got to hang out with two incredibly experienced, passionate, and interesting retail marketers, Ted Rubin and John Andrews, as they discuss their book... RETAIL RELEVANCY: How Brands and Retailers...
VoyageRaleigh Magazine | Raleigh’s Most Inspiring Stories: Meet Ted Rubin Today we’d like to introduce you to Ted Rubin. Hi Ted, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can...
How Can Retailers Connect, or Reconnect, with Shoppers? @SocialGeekRadio Talks Retail Relevancy
Ted Rubin and John Andrews are back on Social Geek, and they’re kicking off 2022 with a brand-new book called Retail Relevancy. How can retailers connect, or reconnect, with shoppers? Is it too late for those who are behind the curve? And, what brings brand relevance...
Retail Relevancy… You had me at “Personal Commerce” ~@jaffejuice
Joe Jaffe welcomes back Ted Rubin and his co-author John Andrew to discuss a meaty topic indeed: THE FUTURE OF RETAIL. You had me at “personal commerce” and “if our products come to us when we need them, do we still need to go and get them?” ~Joe ➡️ Retail Relevancy...
Retail Relevancy – How Brands, Retailers, and Shoppers will Connect
John and I speak with Jason Cooper about our new book called RETAIL RELEVANCY, perfect start for the new year. ~via Jason... Shopping behaviour is changing from a world where consumers go to stores to get products to one where products come to consumers. Of course,...
Retail Relevancy… Book Interview with Simon Haigh
RETAIL RELEVANCY: How Brands and Retailers will Connect with Shoppers in a Post-Physical Retail World ➡️ ORDER your copy of... RETAIL RELEVANCY, byJohn Andrews and Ted Rubin, via Amazon ⬅️ Our goal is to explore how brands and retailers can thrive in the future by...
Building Better Business Relationships… HRchat
In this HRchat episode, we talk about building and maintaining relationships. Listen as we talk about lessons from the world of social media marketing that can be transferred to leadership and HR. Bill's guest is Ted Rubin, a leading Social Marketing Strategist,...
BOOK LAUNCH… RETAIL RELEVANCY: How Brands and Retailers will Connect with Shoppers in a Post-Physical Retail World
➡️ ORDER your copy of... RETAIL RELEVANCY, byJohn Andrews and Ted Rubin, via Amazon ⬅️ Retail is transforming from a place where people “get” things to the facilitation of “getting” things. Consumer shopping is changing in the digital age faster than many...
How My “Return on Relationship” (#RonR) Concept Was Conceived
ROR: Return on Relationship, #RonR, simply put, is the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple dollars and cents, ROR is the value (both perceived and real) that will accrue over time through connection, trust,...
Return on Relationship… Definition
ROR: Return on Relationship™, #RonR… simply put the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple $’s and cents. ROR is the value (both perceived and real) that will accrue over time through connection, trust, loyalty,...
99% of “Influencers” Don’t Influence Anyone…
99% of “influencers” don’t truly yield a great deal of influence… but many DO create great content. Most often, although not always, it's more about the content than the “influence.” The vast majority of what Brands consider and refer to as “Influencers” are media...
The Authentic Practitioners of Social Marketing
The authentic practitioners of social marketing – those who last, build connections, and foster relationships – know how to be authentic, honest, and real, without going over the top. They might touch on a controversial subject, but they'll do it thoughtfully, rather...
Thinking About Your Audience’s Audience
Thinking About Your Audience’s Audience: An Audvisor Insight from Ted Rubin "I’d like to share this insight I’ve chosen from by Ted Rubin on thinking about your audience’s audience. Here is the insight in Ted’s own words (transcript lightly edited for...
Heading into the Holiday Season… FOCUS ON BUILDING COMMUNITY
This Thanksgiving, and Heading into the Holiday Season… FOCUS ON BUILDING COMMUNITY. A Network gives you Reach, A Community gives you Power! Networks Connect… Communities Care A small, passionate community of like-minded people can often accomplish far more than a...
A true Leader Inspires. People naturally follow Leaders... when looking at an organization see who people emulate. They may preach, BUT it's the "leading by example" that matters. I often warn those I mentor, and my mentorship is also often by example, or...
Change The Way You Stay Connected to The World with Lucyd Bluetooth Sunglasses
LUCYD LYTE BLUETOOTH SUNGLASSES ARE THE PERFECT GIFT! Love my Lucyd Lyte Bluetooth Sunglasses. I think we all have become accustomed to always being connected, and due to that we have lost some of our connection to what is going on around us… #bluetoothglasses help...
The Industry Transformation Coalition Author Lecture Series with Ted Rubin: Part Two
INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION COALITION (ITC) PART II - AUTHOR LECTURE SERIES: TED RUBIN Expert Panelist: Ted Rubin, Author & Entrepreneur Topic: Return on Relationship Length: 32 Minutes Purchase Book: Return on Relationship Topics: How his daughter taught Ted how to...
The Industry Transformation Coalition Author Lecture Series with Ted Rubin: Part One
INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION COALITION (ITC) PART I - AUTHOR LECTURE SERIES: TED RUBIN Expert Panelist: Ted Rubin, Author & Entrepreneur Topic: Return on Relationship Length: 28 Minutes Purchase Book: Return on Relationship Topics: How to care for relationships;...
Culture of Community
As my thinking has evolved around the topic of Employee Advocacy, I have come to realize that a "program" is not the best way to proceed. Although the idea is a good one, all too often this becomes like many other programs... stale, ignored, sometimes despised, and...
Customer Experience is Your Only True “Real” Branding
It is very, very rare to have your customer's full attention. No matter how good your marketing is, people are still thinking about the food in the oven, the letter they have to mail, or the game they watched last night. Even when someone comes into your store,...
Lead Gen and… Customer Experience with Your Marketing
Always focus on truly adding value and be sure to do whatever you can to form a human connection—people do not want to be treated as a number. Yes, you can measure and track numbers, and bang people relentlessly over the head... and make sales. BUT... Your...
Relationships ARE the Most Valuable Currency
How do you build and strengthen relationships with your audience (as a whole, and as individuals) to increase your Return on Relationship, ROR, #RonR? 1. Listen If you want to be heard above the ever-growing social media “noise,” you need to first listen to your...
TRUST and Relationships
TRUST is built upon interaction, when you’re true to your word, authentic, and genuine. To build relationships online, you (as a brand or individual) have to offer value in return. TRUST requires INCLUSION... and “TRUST Exchanges” are a part of everything we do. TRUST...
What is the True Value of Social Media to a Brand?
What is the true value of Social Media to a brand? I believe many are STILL looking at this in too narrow and traditional a fashion. Most people are focused on trying to assign a dollar value to each Facebook post, like, share, Twitter follower, TikTok view, etc.,...
Return on Relationship, Personal Commerce, Digital Marketing’s Future and More
“Much of a future consumer’s product needs are becoming anticipated and automated... it’s ‘personal commerce’ that anticipates, reacts and satisfies consumer demand, often before the demand has fully materialized.” -Ted Rubin Voices In Personalization (VIP) is a...
The Emotional Connection: How Networking Drives Sales
THIS INTERVIEW BEGINS AT MINUTE 5:50... Ted is a leading Social Marketing Strategist with millions of social media followers in his network. How does he leverage his influencer power to further his business objectives? Entertaining, funny, engaging and compelling, Ted...
Provocateur Ted Rubin Joins Dori DeCarlo in the Business Spotlight on #WordofMomRadio
About The Word of Mom Media Network Word of Mom Radio, THE radio show for Mompreneurs and Business Women, has been sharing the wisdom of women on BlogTalkRadio for more than seven years. Mompreneurs, women-owned and home-base businesses are breaking those myths that...